Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Week 2-- September 1, 2010

It was our first 8:30-2:50 day so I felt like much was accomplished. I took questions about Reading Around the World. People seem clear about the expectations. You have a roll in this, the signing off of 100 pages, so we will discuss this at Back To School Night.


We took our first library visit of the year. Mrs. Klein discussed the expectations of the media center and using our books. The district has begun having the kids and their families sign a contract acknowledging the need to keep books in great shape and returned in a timely fashion so everyone can benefit from our library. Please sign and return the library contract.


After library we took 25 minutes of DEAR time, drop everything and read. Students are allowed to also read and complete their weekly language arts comprehension questions during this time or practice book.


We reviewed the challenge words for the week.

For week one, the students did an amazing job with their definitions and their sentences. So I expect great things with tomorrow's vocabulary test.

We also corrected the three vocabulary practice book pages. We had a discussion regarding thesaurus and when would you need to use it. Also how blindly using it can cause some word choice embarrassment.

**I didn't show this to the class, I only made reference to it.


Math – we corrected last night's math homework and I answered questions that people may have head.

We then took our first math test of the year. Many kids finished super quick so I'm hoping it is not a case of rushing.


After the math test, we reviewed chapter 2 lesson 1. It is about mental math. I gave several examples and we brainstormed ways that we can use mental math. We also discussed appropriate versus inappropriate times to use mental math. For example a doctor would prescribe specific amount of medicine per day while an event planner would estimate a number slightly larger than what they think are showing up.


HC page 25 1-26 all

27-34 all OR 2-1 R

Students need to show me which numbers they are using, NOT JUST give me their final answer. I realize that it is called mental math however we are practicing our estimating and mental math skilz. Students had just over 15 minutes to begin working on tonight's homework.

**don't forget the entire book is now found on line. If a child needs a further lesson, they can log in and check the area in 5th grade book that says, "to do."


Language Arts -- we reviewed the expected grammar lessons for the week.

Types of sentences

The declarative sentence makes a statement. The interrogative sentence asks a question. The exclamatory sentence is a statement that shows strong emotion. And the imperative sentence gives a direction or a command but without strong emotion.

Predicate and Subject

Combining subjects or predicates to make shorter concise sentences.


Circle Time:

What is your favorite sport? We had a cornucopia of answers to this question. We had 18 different sports mentioned.

When you hear our classroom theme of "change" what do you think? Some great answers from high level thoughtful responses to some simplistic answers.

If you HAD TO listen to the same artist or album for 24 straight hours, which artist could you listen to without going crazy? Taylor Swift won in a landslide decision.

For the 2nd time we had to cut our time short because too many kids are sharing amongst themselves rather than listening and waiting to have their opportunity to share. Somewhat disappointing….


Since my circle time activity and icebreaker was cut short by selfish deciscions, I then used the final 20 minutes to discuss the article that I posted last night about myelin formation.

Rule 1: Feel the Burn

Rule 2: Repetition is Underrated. (Repetition is Underrated.) Also, Repetition is Underrated.

Rule 3: Steal From the Best

We also looked at this quick slide show:

slide 6 was especially powerful with the class.


Homework for tonight:

Homework for the week:


HC page 25 1-26 all (pb 2-1 R or page 25 27-34 all)     due Thursday


Reading Comprehension: All due Thursday

Read pages 26-46

Hardcover book page 46 1-4 and #6 – answer in complete sentences

P.B. 4 and 5


Grammar: Type of Sentences due on Thursday P.B. 13, 14 and 15


Free-write due Thursday The most dangerous thing in my house is……..


Thursday – spelling test, vocab test and reading test on this week's story.


Kind regards,

Ron Hubbard

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