Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014

Tons of building and noise going on in the C-Wing.
Happy Monday!

Today 1/3rd of the class was able to experience the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory field -trip.  If your son or daughter were one of the 8 people that attended today, make sure to have them tell you what they learned and experienced.
Meanwhile for the other 16 students, ½ will attend on Wednesday and ½ will attend on Thursday.

Meanwhile for those “left behind” we rolled out a new weekly common core language arts & reading comprehension lesson.  Therefore students worked with Ms. Mitchell learning and practicing “Main Idea.”  

It looks like spelling worked out great last week with
All of the weekly vocabulary and weekly spelling lists will be on the website.  Students can have the website give them practice spelling tests, play spelling & vocabulary games and also compete against each other.  
Here is my official webpage for spelling city:

Students can sign in and practice using a traditional computer, smartphones and tablets.  

If I had my druthers, I would suggest students practice learning their vocabulary words.  

Do you want the entire list of spelling words for the remainder of the school year?

Circle Time --- we only had 16 people in circle time.  We shared out -- our weekend, what did we eat for breakfast, when we get sad or depressed what do we enjoy doing to cheer up, and we shared out “what makes mom sad or stressed out.”  
It was humorous and enlightening to hear how students choose to deal with things when they get sad.  Regarding the sharing about moms, interestingly there is a high percentage of “other siblings” that cause mom high stress, and some students admitted to being partially to blame.  
Now regarding breakfast……
Albeit this is a super small sample size however we only had two students share out that they ate a breakfast with a reasonable proteins to carb ratio.  One student admitted to eating just candy and several others ate donuts or pastries.  
Full disclosure my own son ate a simple bowl of cereal with some fruit for breakfast today.  He frequently will turn down my offers to make him eggs, omelette, and when I make him a smoothy within a 4 grams carbs for every 1 gram of protein -- he will frequently not eat it.   So I know it is not easy to get your child to make great morning food choices nor is it easy to make the food.

Here is some food for thought (no pun intended) about why breakfast is so important:

We are working rounding to whole numbers when there are fractions involved.
We made several number lines and discussed how to tell if we should round upwards or downwards.
FYI - for the 8 students that missed this lesson, I handed out printed up copies of our notes and students or myself worked with them upon their return to class.

Students had time to work on Scootpad for 20 minutes.  Upon completing that they were able to  work on IXL, Khanacademy, Spelling City, complete last week’s Constitution write-ups, and watch their narrative movie while taking notes.  

The final 30 minutes of they day were dedicated to them writing their homework for the week into their day planner and working on their homework.

I also had a chance to meet with every student receiving a progress report.  I explained the rationale for their report and we discussed what they could do to improve their scores.  Please sign the progress reports and return the bottom part at your earliest convenience.  

All students regardless received a packet of their work so far and a copy of their first STAR reading assessment.  Please note we take a monthly STAR assessment and the assessment utilizes intuitive software that will increase and decrease skill level dependent on how successful the student does.  Therefore the scores will fluctuate slightly every month dependent on how well they performed.  You do not need to return this packet, it is just for your reading enjoyment.  For those that took my invite, either via email and/or handout at back to school night, this is not new information unless you haven’t logged in recently.  

Camp -- (December 15th-18th)
We need these forms completed by Friday please:
*This packet came with the Back to School Night packet

Also the school needs to confirm your child will be attending camp.  The cost/donation for this year is $200.  You do not need to pay the entire amount all at one time.  We will set up a payment plan (200/8 months = $25 per month).  There is also scholarship money however you will need to contact Ms. McGovern or myself at your earliest convenience.  We want every child to attend since it is such an amazing learning experience however you do need to communicate with us if you need payment assistance or scholarship.  

10/16 5th Grade Camp Info Night for Parent/Guardians, Multi-use Room at 6:30 PM

Do you want to chaperone and help out during camp?  Here is a packet that tells you what it is all about.    If you are interested in helping there is a lengthy process involved regarding finger-prints and background checks therefore you need to see Mrs. Bastida ASAP to get the paperwork rolling.  

Kind regards,
Mr. Hubbard
I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.”
Stephen Covey

Homework for the week:
230-231 (1-23 all )  due Tuesday
348-349 (1-11 all + definitions and drawings must be put into your math notebook) due Wednesday
370-371 (1-11 all) due Thursday
254-256 (1-25 all) due Friday
If lessons are increasingly quick, students are strongly encouraged to work on or

Free-Write for the week due on Friday:
“Describe the “ultimate” Halloween Candy or Candies
It can be a made up candy, a collection of their favorite candies, or even a completely out the box type of Halloween candy --whatever their mind can think up.

Reading for 30 minutes every night.

page 12 due on Tuesday
page 13 due on Wednesday
page 14 due on Thursday
**a nightly vocab practice was also assigned on
Test is on Friday

Tissues, Organs and Systems -- nonfiction reading and writing is due on Thursday.

Narrative Notes -- Students received grades on their notes last week.  Those earning less than 80% need to rewatch and add details to their notes.  
Throughout the week we will be working on writing a narrative.  Could be homework dependent on how much student is able to complete while in class.

Our Living Constitution
Four questions and one short essay question.  Due on Friday
The assignment is given on

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

First off thank you for the many well wishes that I get better soon.  I was able to sleep an entire day on Tuesday, broke my fever and I feel somewhat back to normal.  

Things we are focusing on this week:
  1. Our US Constitution.  Today we had a nice recap of our reading exercise regarding the Constitution and our Bill of Rights.  Students are working on answering further questions about the Constitution.  
  2. We had a great discussion on Monday regarding density, sugar-free and regular soda and ice coolers.  
  3. Properly labeling work that we submit.  We have been having a surge in no-names and papers not labeled what exactly the assignment is for.  
  4. had a complete “extreme makeover” during the weekend.  It looks much fancier and more modern so we are seeing how the changes influence the student’s learning.  

Today’s math…..
Many students, despite 2 to 3 times per day, where I strongly recommend they take notes, many students are not taking notes.  
  1. They do NOT yet own a solely dedicated math notebook therefore they are taking random notes on random graph paper.  Lord knows if they keep those notes for future reference or add to them to help them on quiz and test days.
  1. They are choosing simply not to take notes and follow my explicit examples.  However as the year progresses, similar to today’s experiences, homework will be expected to follow a common core best practice that may not be shown in their book.  Similarly it is a way that unless you attended school in Singapore, you were not exposed to when you took math.  
    • I prefaced this to the kids and reminded them 15 minutes afterwards that the book and their parents most likely wouldn’t be able to complete the homework as I am requesting.  
In a nutshell -- they should be bringing home their math notebook every single Monday through Thursday evening.   That really should be their number one resource and they should be referring to it as their reference.  

Having said all that…..while many of the kids were choosing to either just begin their homework and “go rogue” and/or simply choosing not to take notes and/or try to solve by themselves;  we were attempting to complete our math during the 1:20’ish through 2 p.m. time period of the day.  Therefore it was quicker than I would have liked and doing math after lunch is less than ideal.  If though the situation was not ideal, they can still choose to take better notes and utilize their notebook.
Regarding why I have been showing them (we have done and I have modeled 4 previous fraction problems similar to tonight’s during our daily math review) to first prime factor the numerators and the denominators PRIOR to multiplying or dividing fractions is that they end up dealing with much smaller numbers.  It puts further emphasis on knowing your multiplication facts however students will be much ore successful finding products and/or quotients with the remaining factors.   Furthermore using the “power of 1” with similar factors in the numerator and denominator is the EXACT same way they will reduce expressions when working w/ variables during algebra.  
What the heck am I saying?????
I would point out two things from the example:
  1. the fractions they are simplifying are much larger than what we expect 5th graders to work through however the strategy is still the same.  Numerator is broken into prime factors and so are the denominators.  Then through the “power of 1” we simplify.  
  2. Note the final example, see how this strategy of simplification of fractions is the exact same one used during algebra.  
There really is a method to this “new” method that many other countries are having success with.  Their students begin simplifying and working w/ fractions much sooner since the emphasis is on prime factoring which is directly linked to “knowing your math facts” well.  
Also why enlarge your fractions when every fraction in the world ALWAYS has to be simplified (i.e. shrunk) for your final answer.  It makes sense to remove the common factors (through the “power of one”) and end with the final answer already simplified.  

The whole new and improved strategies towards understanding and working with fractions is all predicated on being able to prime factor numerators and denominators so your son/daughter still has about 25 weeks more of practice with this so we will get this down.  

Now if your son/daughter did not do well on the math fluency assessments (on Engrade Math) and you believe it is due to the fact they still don’t quickly recall their 3rd grade standard math facts, then you should be concerned and your child should own some old-school flash cards because you can’t easily prime factor without that foundation knowledge.  

I’m sending home the field trip forms tomorrow.   For some kids their field trip will be on Monday, some on Wednesday and some on Thursday.  If you can sign and return the field trip form ASAP, I promise to inform you the day and with who your child is getting their safely with.  

Also don’t forget that the Jawsathon is NEXT Friday.   PFC has not been lucky to have won the fireworks lottery the last two summers therefore this is an important and fun fundraiser.  So don’t forget to get your kids fired up for running, being healthy and getting more oxygen to their brains!!(they learned last week that our brains are our #1 oxygen hog).  

This Friday is “run club” -- students earn “dawg tags” or is it “dog tags”?

This Friday is also Scoop Night.  I’m scooping that evening.  If you or your child want to take out revenge regarding my particular fraction strategies, it would be a great opportunity to purposely put me to work and boss me around as I make your custom ice-cream.  

We also should receive some rain!!!!

Kind regards,

Mr. Hubbard
“The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.”  
  • Napoleon Hill

Homework for the remainder of the week:
252-253 (1-24 all) due Thursday
204-205 (1-28 all) due Friday

Spelling Test is on Friday.  Words and practice can be found on

Vocabulary Test on Friday.  Words and vocab practice can be found at

Read 30 minutes every night.

Please bring in the READING AROUND THE USA on Friday.   (the thing that you and I sign off on every 100 pages).

Our Living Constitution is due on Friday.

The free-write due Friday
Let me tell you about my teacher that is on steroids and takes too many energy drinks……..
20 minutes or 1 full page.

Students turning in typed out work are asked to use:

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Brain Week Thursday

Today was the day that the students were able to slice & dice and discover what makes a sheep’s brain work.   Thank you for the many many parents that volunteered their time and put up with the smell.  The children were full of stories to share and excitement as they told me what they learned from the experience.  Please make sure to ask them what they learned from today’s adventures.  

In the morning we reviewed our weekly spiraling math work, reviewed the chapter 1 book test and reviewed the weekly  vocabulary.  

After lunch we went 100% Tech Thursday.  Students had time to:
  1. Take any AR test for books they have recently completed
  2. Students were to put in 30 minutes of
  3. Students then signed into their Spelling and Vocabulary Review & Practice
  4. **I am on a 30 day trial, along with the class, and students are allowed to practice and learn BOTH their vocabulary words and spelling words for the week.  They also have an app. for tablets and smartphones (both Android & Apple).
  5. Students then signed into Discovery Education  we tested out if we could all stream a movie on our 24 individual chromebooks and what was the video quality like.  Students were able to be extremely successful.  
  6. Finally since most of the class had not yet set up their Class Dojo student account I gave them the last 5 to 8 minutes to do that.  That will allow the students to change their avatar and also see the points they are earning.  

FYI -- I do have your son/daughter’s photos if they took them at registration.  I’ll send them home tomorrow.

Lawrence Livermore Field Trip:
The field trip on the 3rd w/ just our class has been officially cancelled.  
We are going to have 1/3rd of the class attend on the
September 29th
October 1st and
October 2nd
Therefore 8 students will go on each day.  We would require two drivers per day.  If you can assist with driving please complete this quick survey:

  1. Remember copy of the recent driver’s licence.
  2. Copy of your insurance verifying you have enough insurance coverage
  3. Ideally your proof of points or “good driver” status supplied by your friendly insurance provider (allegedly DMV will supply it as well)
Kind regards,
Mr. Hubbard
***Long quote this week out of respect to the PBS special on the Roosevelts and one of my alltime favorite quotes!!****
In the battle of life, it is not the critic who counts; not the one who points out how the strong stumbled, or where the doer of a deed could have done better.
The credit belongs to those who are actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, because there is not effort without error and shortcoming; who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, spend themselves in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at worst, if they fail, at least fail while daring greatly, so that their place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who have tasted neither victory nor defeat.”  
  • Theodore Roosevelt

Homework for the week:

Books for your student or the class:
One-Time Class Activation Code: HH4V4
We’re closing the sale window on Friday.  

page 22-23 set a,b,c,d,e,and f all due Friday
Chapter 1 test on Friday

Read 30 minutes every night

Bring the day planner back signed as proof that you read

Vocab test on Friday
Words are on spellingcity!!

Free-Write due Friday
20 minutes of uninterrupted writing (w/ parent signature) or 1 full page written/typed out (no larger than 14 font)
Topic?   “Let me describe how I choose a ……….”

Words are on spellingcity!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Brain Week and Constitution Day therefore today went quick!!

We began the day clearing up some confusion regarding homework.  

1st off:  Students rotated into Mrs. Cargo’s class yesterday to discuss different learning styles and how some people may be hardwired to learn more efficiently through different learning styles .  They were given, what was supposed to be a relatively quick assignment, the task of writing two short paragraphs about their learning styles.    Some students took this to mean full page writes ups and some also worked on the second page of the handout.    We discussed that asking questions and making sure you understand what is expected of you is an important life skill especially when they begin rotating 5 times per day next year.

2nd -- the weekly vocabulary had a “write about it” section.  On Monday I made a point to emphasize that they were to write a minimum of a paragraph and they did not have to write a complete mystery.  We had:  some students that “forgot” to do it, some who attempted to write a whole mystery, and some that wrote a sentence or two.   Once again we discussed the need to listen and speak up.  

We then had an amazing discussion regarding this video about the driverless car.    In this video they show how a man who is almost completely blind is able to go shopping, purchase food through a drive through and have his quality of life greatly improved.    We then discussed how their generation would debate and discuss issues such as this -- should a driverless car kill you to save a group of children?:   

Because as a class we were really discussing how far out and who amazing their future would be, we talked and discussed Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak:

This led to a discussion about how important it is for each one of them to remain enthusiastic learners and lifelong learners since who knows what will be in store for them 12 to 14 years from now when they hit the job market.  Especially in light of how efficient businesses are becoming at phasing out humans in even service jobs -- store clerks and , waitresses/waiters.  We discussed how they need to be the ones creating the programs or creating the ideas.

Math -- tonight and tomorrow’s math is a review of the first chapter on place value.  The test will be given on Friday.  

Brain-Week work:  They stayed with me and we began reading and working on a packet regarding what is the best ways to study and what ways are not effective.  This article was co-authored by a group of seven people who read through over 700 case studies.  This article titled “What works and what doesn’t work” ran in last year’s Scientific American Mind.  
They identify the two ways that have been proven through experimental data that work, three that work in some situations and they identify five ways that may actually hurt your ability to retain information.  
We will complete part II on Friday and I strongly encourage you to ask to read the article when you get a chance. 

We ended the day by watching a video and discussing our Constitution.  We covered the high level basics today:
  • why we are really a republic and not a democracy
  • separation of powers
  • checks and balances
  • individual rights vs state rights vs federal rights
  • federal responsibilities versus state responsibilities
  • legislative, judicial and executive

Misc. stuff:

Outdoor Education:
We need chaperones and this year we are taking 20-22 chaperones.  It truly is a first to complete all paperwork and get their  fingerprints ok’ed are the first ones to attend our “fully catered and all-inclusive” resort  Outdoor Education Camp from December 15th-18th (we may or may not make you attend a timeshare presentation while you are there).

We have already had 20 people take out the paperwork. However taking out the paperwork, returning it to Mrs. Bastida and getting your fingerprints done are two different things.  If you are considering chaperoning please see Mrs. Bastida at your earliest convenience.  

Lawrence Livermore Field Trip:
The field trip on the 3rd w/ just our class has been officially cancelled.  
We are going to have 1/3rd of the class attend on the
September 29th
October 1st and
October 2nd
Therefore 8 students will go on each day.  We would require two drivers per day.  If you can assist with driving please complete this quick survey:

  1. Remember copy of the recent driver’s licence.
  2. Copy of your insurance verifying you have enough insurance coverage
  3. Ideally your proof of points or “good driver” status supplied by your friendly insurance provider (allegedly DMV will supply it as well)

Tomorrow their first completely independent version of their non-fiction reading & writing assignment.  “What’s in your Cell”

Here is a reminder, I read this to the students today prior to them leaving at 2, of what is expected in their answers:

In review our best practices these were the five big keys to successfully completing this weekly task:
  1. complete sentences
  2. restate the question when answering the question
  3. number the paragraphs making it easier to explain to the reader where you pulled your information from
  4. when in doubt use the word “because…..” and explain your thoughts
  5. “bake your answer” -- take all of the individual parts that you read and bake(create) your unique opinion or thoughts

Kind regards,
Mr. Hubbard
***Long quote this week out of respect to the PBS special on the Roosevelts and one of my alltime favorite quotes!!****
In the battle of life, it is not the critic who counts; not the one who points out how the strong stumbled, or where the doer of a deed could have done better.
The credit belongs to those who are actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, because there is not effort without error and shortcoming; who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, spend themselves in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at worst, if they fail, at least fail while daring greatly, so that their place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who have tasted neither victory nor defeat.”  
  • Theodore Roosevelt

Homework for the week:

Books for your student or the class:
One-Time Class Activation Code: HH4V4
We’re closing the sale window on Friday.  

page 24-25 1-16 all due Thursday
page 22-23 set a,b,c,d,e,and f all due Friday
Chapter 1 test on Friday

Read 30 minutes every night

Bring the day planner back signed as proof that you read

Page 8 due Thursday
Vocab test on Friday

Non Fiction Reading/Writing due Thursday

Free-Write due Friday
20 minutes of uninterrupted writing (w/ parent signature) or 1 full page written/typed out (no larger than 14 font)
Topic?   “Let me describe how I choose a ……….”

Spelling test on Friday