Friday, September 25, 2009

How to Discuss Popular Music (Rerun)

How to Discuss Popular Music (Rerun): "



“Data-Driven” Versus “Data-Informed” | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...

“Data-Driven” Versus “Data-Informed” | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...

I love this part from the article:

If schools are data-driven, they might make decisions like keeping students who are “borderline” between algebra and a higher-level of math in algebra so that they do well in the algebra state test. Or, in English, teachers might focus a lot of energy on teaching a “strand” that is heavy on the tests — even though it might not help the student become a life-long reader. In other words, the school can tend to focus on its institutional self-interest instead of what’s best for the students.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"Our Parents Don't Like Us to Talk About Our Skin'' — Big Think

"Our Parents Don't Like Us to Talk About Our Skin'' — Big Think

More information related to the recent Newsweek article about talking and acknowledging our differences rather than pretending they don't exist is actually healthy for our children.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

So much for my high fives..

Schools Ban Touching To Fight H1N1: "

What better way to greet all your friends after a long summer break than by awkwardly standing in front of them and saying 'hi.' The school thinks that after every high-five and handshake, students will immediately begin licking their fingers and spreading the swine flu. Correct me if I am wrong, but can't viruses spread airborne? Good luck trying to ban coughing and sneezing next!