Thursday, April 28, 2011

Medicine Procedures and Forms for Outdoor Education

All of your forms can be found by CLICKING HERE

Field Trip Medication Administration Form and a Medication Administration Consent Form must be filled out and signed by a doctor for all medication listed on the Health History form.

The need for a doctor’s autograph includes over the counter medicine.

These forms need to be turned in by Monday, April 16, 2012.

Prior to Handing Over Medication for Camp:
  1. Medicine needs to come in the Monday prior to the trip (April 16, 2012).
  2. Medication is in a properly labeled pharmacy bottle or original packaging with name written on it and matches:
    1. the Field Trip Medication Consent Form and
    2. the Medication Administration Consent Form.
  3. Medication and consent forms are placed in a ziploc bag labeled with the student name.

After Camp – Procedures and Timeline:
Upon return to school, any remaining medication will be returned by a designated teacher and stored in Health Office for pick up by a parent/guardian.
Parent/guardian to sign off on pick up of medication.
Medication not returned to parent/guardian remains locked and stored and must be properly disposed at the end of the school year.

Medication forms already completed in the health office will be copied for camp.
  • It is not necessary to complete new forms for students with Action Plans.
  • If parent request medication to be sent from the Health Office, camp health forms must indicate source of medication.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sorry that this is my first communication this week.  It has been a tough week, my 93 Camry died on me Sunday so we are down to one car at home, I had to go in for some minor surgery on Wednesday, and my mom’s family all live in the part of Alabama devastated by Mother Nature and I couldn't find out their status for a day.  It was a looong 24 hours between communique because they were down power and cell service but this morning via voicemail/Facebook, they confirmed they were all ok.

Anyway -- at school we are in the heart of test prepping for the next two weeks.
In case you forgot:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday the next two weeks will be test taking.     

So we spend a great portion of the day using the response devices, discussing test taking strategies and reviewing skills necessary for language arts, math and science.  

So we have been reviewing the most challenging math concepts.  We took a survey on Tuesday and I asked students to tell which concepts they need to see and practice with.  The two most popular were work with adding/subtracting with positive & negative integers AND multiplying/dividing with decimals & fractions.

Tonight’s homework is working on the fractions & decimals and completing the large math packet given to them on Tuesday.   It is 60+ problems  but they were encouraged and given time to realistically complete 20 problems per day so it would not be a big homework issue tonight.
If you need answers to the math handouts and you want to see our notes CLICK HERE.

In today’s math time we did some extra work on circumference and area of a circle.

We did some poetry discussions on one of my personal favorite poems “The Road Not Taken”  
Tonight’s poem work is “If”
All of our poems can be found here CLICK HERE

Students have one more evening of reading  practice for state testing.  Tonight’s reading is Scarecrows Then and Now -- about facts versus opinion
Passages (page 68-69) --- what is the main idea of the paragraph


1.  handout on multiplication division decimals and fractions
2.  handout on the toughest concepts for 5th grade math
both packets found right here and it includes answers
The M,M,M, and R rap due next Friday is also in the link above

Language Arts:
See above the handout about facts/opinion and main idea

See above for the link, it is the poem “If”

Read and do the pages on the 148-150

Cargo rotation -- students need get their incomplete assignments in ASAP

May Testing Review:
If you would like your child to begin reviewing “all” of the released test questions, CLICK HERE FOR ALL THE RELEASED QUESTIONS

Here is another link that may be useful, just choose “sample questions” and the section/grade level.    CLICK HERE

The blueprints are very useful so your students can understand which specific question they will be tested on.   CLICK HERE FOR THE BLUEPRINTS  

Kind regards,
Mr. Hubbard

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Science Review for April 27, 2011

Today you will have an opportunity to read through the released test question, do research, and use your test taking strategies to answer the test questions (11-60);

Review questions 11 through 60;

If you don't know an answer to a question, use your investigative and inquisitive skills.

I strongly recommend using these links to start your investigation:


 Just click onto the Life Science, Earth Science or Physical Science;  They contain great interactive lessons.

Still can't find what your looking for here are some ideas:
talk with someone near you about science, use your science book, google the term or science phrase you need to learn more about, and try

 The main thing, use this time wisely.  Let's see if we can 100% on the smart responses tomorrow!

Technology Tuesday...

1st priority -- type for 20 minutes

2nd priority -- make sure you have typed and saved your poem onto a document (either Google Documents or Microsoft Word)

3rd priority ---  5th grade review for state testing
Find the test named April 26 2011 5th grade review
Please use scratch paper and begin working on this 20 question review.

4th priority ---- open up this document
Review questions 11 through 60;
If you don't know an answer to a question, use your investigative and inquisitive skills.
Ideas:   talk with someone near you about science, use your science book, google the term or science phrase  you need to learn more about, try and finally try (I strongly recommend these links):

 5th priority --- -- GRAMMAR

6th priority -- more language arts review


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Stop!  Grammar Time!

Short and to the point today...
Library time -- could study for the science test, complete/organize the grammar packet, study for math, study for states & capitals or read for pleasure.

Spelling test....

We spent a great deal of time going over the grammar packet and discussing the grammar rules that will be on tomorrow’s theme 5 test.
Reminder the theme 5 test is tomorrow!!

We reviewed last night’s lesson on surface area.  The students seemed to do amazingly well!!  
Tonight’s and tomorrow’s homework is working on the Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 pretest.
Students can also work on the exact same test on-line.  

Science review for 4th Grade:
Students worked independently on reviewing key science concepts covered during the 2009-2010 school year.  At the end of doing their research/learning, they had to complete some handouts to ensure they understood the material.
Here is the list of movies.

Cargo rotation -- prepositional phrases;  we took a L.A. assessment a while back and our classes came back as needing more prepositional phrase work.

Wilmott rotation -- science test

Spring photo day is tomorrow.   If a student doesn’t have a check and completed form, they don’t take photos.  If the envelope from Monday was misplaced, you can pick one up in the morning with Mrs. Bastida.

No poetry today so I did not assign a poem today.  We will review last night’s poem tomorrow.

Kind regards,
Mr. Hubbard

Homework for the week:
Spirit Week:
Thursday -- Spring Picture Day has ruined and ended the dream of Crazy Hair Day.    
Friday -- Kids Dress like Teachers --- “Sweater vests,”“Hawaiian Shirts,” or “any shirt with blue” are strongly encouraged :)

Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 test prep (on-line and print out) handed out on Wednesday BUT DUE FRIDAY
Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 test due on Friday

Theme 5 test is on Thursday

Study for the States and Capitals Test
May 12th is the first test.

Famous Americans
Those who had their rough draft grades returned upon returning from spring break have until Tuesday, April 26th to complete.
Those who received afterwards, have their due date written on their rough draft (everyone was given 2+_ weeks);

Poem per day -- read a poem, reflect on the message(s) of the author and point out well written metaphors, analogies or descriptive writing.  NO POEM ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT.
Here is the link with the poems.

Free Write due Friday:
What things can you personally do that will put yourself in a position to succeed on the May tests?  
This is a serious topic.

May Testing Review:
If you would like your child to begin reviewing “all” of the released test questions, CLICK HERE FOR ALL THE RELEASED QUESTIONS

Here is another link that may be useful, just choose “sample questions” and the section/grade level.    CLICK HERE

The blueprints are very useful so your students can understand which specific question they will be tested on.   CLICK HERE FOR THE BLUEPRINTS  

4th Grade Science Review Time With Mr. Hubbard

Today, you are going to watch movies that will help you review subjects covered in 4th grade science.     Please see the teacher if you have forgotten the brainpop user name.  

You will be given a packet with EIGHT quizes.  These quizes will be part of both your science and Mr. Hubbard grades.  Therefore it is important that you take your time to answer the questions.  
  • In order to get 100% you may “re-watch” the movie

Students on other websites will have earned a “strike.”

You do not NEED to log into your own account.  

Please leave the computer logged into as:
either    desk1 or desk2

Please leave the browser open to  when it you class’ time to leave for the day.

Please make sure to put your name on the packet and the name of your homeroom teacher and leave it with the teacher on your way out of town.  

Here are the EIGHT movies that you will watching:

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday, April 19th....

Tuesday is tech day so it was our usual quick Tuesday.

We spent the morning in the technology lab.
Click here to see exactly what we worked on.

The students focused on some of the hardest concepts covered in the math section for May testing.   So there were questions on adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals.   Students were encouraged to re-review their math notebook or look over the lessons from the on-line book.  

After that the students had an opportunity to review some important grammar concepts that will be covered on the Theme 5 test and on the May testing.

After the tech morning, the kids came back and we began reviewing our grammar packet.  As a class we reviewed the first six pages of the handout.  

After that, we broke into six teams and discussed yesterday’s poem.  The students then had to agree on the meaning of the poem and share out a stanza or metaphor that especially stood out to their team.  

Before lunch time the students reviewed yesterday’s lesson on volume.  
We then watched two videos on today’s lesson regarding surface area.

Here are the two videos to play:
and then

They ended the day with Physical Education.

Also a request for more tissues!!   We have some kids who are seriously suffering from allergies this year.  You can see it in their eyes and you can hear it with their coughs and constant nose blowing.  All of these allergies are requiring that our class is blowing threw tissues.  We are down to our final two boxes.  

Kind regards,
Mr. Hubbard

Homework for the week:
Spirit Week:
Wednesday -- Sports Day
Thursday -- Spring Picture Day has ruined and ended the dream of Crazy Hair Day.    
Friday -- Kids Dress like Teachers --- “Sweater vests,”“Hawaiian Shirts,” or “any shirt with blue” are strongly encouraged :)

324-325 1-13 due Wednesday
Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 test prep (on-line and print out) handed out on Wednesday BUT DUE FRIDAY
Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 test due on Friday

Grammar Packet due on Wednesday

Theme 5 test is on Thursday

Spelling Test on Wednesday   

Study for the States and Capitals Test
May 12th is the first test.

Famous Americans
Those who had their rough draft grades returned upon returning from spring break have until Tuesday, April 26th to complete.
Those who received afterwards, have their due date written on their rough draft (everyone was given 2+_ weeks);

Poem per day -- read a poem, reflect on the message(s) of the author and point out well written metaphors, analogies or descriptive writing.
Here is the link with the poems.

Free Write due Friday:
What things can you personally do that will put yourself in a position to succeed on the May tests?  
This is a serious topic.

Science test -- is on Wednesday.

May Testing Review:
If you would like your child to begin reviewing “all” of the released test questions, CLICK HERE FOR ALL THE RELEASED QUESTIONS

Here is another link that may be useful, just choose “sample questions” and the section/grade level.    CLICK HERE

The blueprints are very useful so your students can understand which specific question they will be tested on.   CLICK HERE FOR THE BLUEPRINTS  

April 19, 2011 Technology Time

1.  Please put in your 15 minutes of typing.  

2.  Go to 

  • I assigned a test, it is called "REVIEW THE HARDEST CONCEPTS IN 5TH GRADE "  
  • You need to use scratch paper.
  • If you don't know or if you don't remember how to work out a problem this is your time to go back and review/learn.  Therefore use the book, use the on-line resources, and use your math notebook -- but go back and discover how to answer the questions.  

Please watch these movies and take the quizzes: :

**See Kyle if you do not know the brainpop log in and password

4.  15 minutes of
Please choose Grammar

5.  If time -- (your first priority is the math test):
You may practice the States and Capitals

Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2010

First thing:
Tomorrow is our End of Year parent planning meeting 2:10 in Mrs. Cargo’s room C-7;

If you can’t make it tomorrow, just return the form from last week and let us know which things you would like to volunteer and assist with.  Or feel free to email our two room parents or myself.

Regarding today:
As we build up towards our May testing, it was a busy day of test prepping and learning.

We started the day with an opportunity to work on some high pressing issues and start to get ready for the week ahead.   Therefore the kids worked on their grammar packets, studying for their Wednesday tests,  states/capitals, creating their poem this week, and reading for enjoyment.

May Testing Review:
We began discussing how to be successful in multiple choice tests.
We also discussed how each of the language arts, math and science would breakdown their questions.

If you would like your child to begin reviewing “all” of the released test questions, here is the link to make a favorite:
Here is another link that may be useful, just choose “sample questions” and the section/grade level.    CLICK HERE

The blueprints are very useful so your students can understand which specific question they will be tested on.   CLICK HERE FOR THE BLUEPRINTS  

We then spent time using our smart response devices, talking out-loud about how to eliminate bad answers, and then successfully answer released math questions.  
We went through the first 13 questions, taking our time to discuss testing strategies and math theory.  

Math lesson for today:
We discussed what is “volume” and how do you compute the correct answer.
V = B*H*L
Since we have three variables (base, height and length) that are multiplying against each other,  volume will always be “cubed” since “cubes” are three dimensional.  
Bricks, sugar cubes, wood, and water.  
Liquids get a tad complicated in that we don’t typically by them in cube form, however for the liquid to not dissipate all over the place, it will be held in a container where we can compute its volume.  
331 - 332  1-125 all

After lunch we wrote out our game plan for the week, discussed our priorities for the week (since we have a very aggressive agenda this week) and how to physically & mentally best prepare for the May testing.

Here is a note from our school nurse:
I wanted to ask if could put something in your E-mails to parents about the T-dap/whooping cough Vaccination. I need for them to bring the form from the Dr. that shows they have had the shot.
Thanks,  Marsha K.

Also a request for more tissues!!   We have some kids who are seriously suffering from allergies this year.  You can see it in their eyes and you can hear it with their coughs and constant nose blowing.  All of these allergies are requiring that our class is blowing threw tissues.  We are down to our final two boxes.  

Kind regards,
Mr. Hubbard

Homework for the week:
Spirit Week:
Tuesday -- Twin Day
Wednesday -- Sports Day
Thursday -- Spring Picture Day has ruined and ended the dream of Crazy Hair Day.    
Friday -- Kids Dress like Teachers --- “Sweater vests,”“Hawaiian Shirts,” or “any shirt with blue” are strongly encouraged :)

324-325 1-13 due Wednesday
Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 test prep (on-line and print out) handed out on Wednesday BUT DUE FRIDAY
Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 test due on Friday

Grammar Packet due on Wednesday

Theme 5 test is on Thursday

Spelling Test on Wednesday   

Study for the States and Capitals Test
May 12th is the first test.

Famous Americans
Those who had their rough draft grades returned upon returning from spring break have until Tuesday, April 26th to complete.
Those who received afterwards, have their due date written on their rough draft (everyone was given 2+_ weeks);

Poem per day -- read a poem, reflect on the message(s) of the author and point out well written metaphors, analogies or descriptive writing.
Here is the link with the poems.

Free Write due Friday:
What things can you personally do that will put yourself in a position to succeed on the May tests?  
This is a serious topic.

Science test -- is on Wednesday.