Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Striving and surviving the first two days of school in 5th grade -- Shelter In Place version

 Dear Families,

Welcome to Fifth Grade! Happy Almost-First Day of School! We’re thrilled to have such an amazing group of students this year. We are well on our way to establishing a fantastic learning community in our classroom.  This year will be a wild ride and it is both an honor and a blessing to be part of your child’s life. 

In this letter, the following items will be addressed: August 13 & 14 schedule, Zoom logistics, and housekeeping items. 

August 13-14 Schedule

= Your child is expected to be in attendance of their Zoom Meeting




Morning Meeting


Independent Work




Whole Class Meeting


Independent Work


Group 1 Meeting


Group 2 Meeting




School Business

Your student will be told in our Morning Meeting which group they belong to for the first 2 days of school. The purpose of the small group meetings will be a time for us to get to know your child in a smaller setting. 

Zoom Logistics

As we are heading into this new world of distance learning, please read the following information to make sure your child is squared away: 

  1. Zoom Link & Password: Will be sent to parents tomorrow, August 12

  2. Students are strongly encouraged to sign into zoom using their @mydusd.org account. If they must sign in through another account, they should properly identify themselves before they will be allowed into the meeting.

  3. Headphones would be preferred. 

  4. Students should have their camera on and not showing their icons.

Housekeeping Items

Student Bags

The 5th Grade Team has put together student bags with student material. We will go over the bag’s content at our first morning meeting. You will be able to pick up your student’s bag at Dublin Elementary at the following days/times:

  • Wednesday, August 12: 9:30am - 12:30pm

  • Thursday, August 13: 1:00 - 3:00 pm 

Information from the district

As a reminder the district has created this great “Road to Reopening Playbook”. 

If you are also having challenges with your district issued chromebook or hotspot, here is the district’s IT information:  https://dublinusd.instructure.com/courses/4126

If you get stuck you can also describe your challenge in an email and send it to HelpDesk@dublinusd.org

Given we will be moving slowly and intentionally through all of our new online material, many of your questions will surely be answered. If possible, please hold parent questions until next week. 

We’re looking forward to working with you and your child this year. One of the best ways we can all be successful this year is through communication. 

Thank you for sharing your child with us this year!

Best regards,

The Fifth Grade Dublin Elementary Team

Mrs. Conner, Mr. Hubbard, Mrs. Le Roy, Ms. Lim and Ms. Owens

Monday, August 10, 2020

Important Information from the district and more information coming on Tuesday....

My DUSD Back to School Check-List and Parent Protocols
DUSD Families,

Our first day of school in a distance learning environment is Thursday, August 13, 2020! To ensure you are set for success, we’ve provided a Back-to-School Checklist and Parent Protocols for you to review before this date. We need your help and by working together, we will be able to experience a smooth transition back into a virtual environment.

As we turn on our computers, ready to see our teachers for the first time, realize you are a part of history in the making and are our very own history imagineers. This is a major shift in how we live, teach, learn, and interact. We know - not everything will work perfectly and there will be challenges ahead for all of us. It is with this in mind that we ask for your patience, grace, and understanding with our staff and each other as we enter into this new world of distance learning.

This email is packed with important information. Please be sure to sit down with your student and review each section to help you feel confident about beginning the 2020-21 school year!

My DUSD Back-to-School Checklist

1. Login to your Google Account - Go to www.gmail.com and have your student login with their entire district email address (including the @mydusd.org part). 
  • If your student is new to the district - Follow these instructions to get your student logged in for the first time and change their password.
  • If your student forgot their password - Follow these instructions for a self-service password management portal.
  • If your student is unable to reset their password - We ask that a parent/guardian email a request to reset the password to helpdesk@dublinusd.org. In order to protect your student's privacy, please make sure you use the email address that we have on file for that parent/guardian.  Otherwise, your request may be delayed while we call the phone number on file for confirmation.
2. Login to your Canvas Account -  Once your student is logged into their gmail account, they will click on the Google App Launcher (the “waffle” icon on the top right corner) and scroll down to the Canvas icon to launch Canvas. Please note that your courses will not be visible until the first day of school.
  • Explore Canvas for Parents and Guardians - Canvas offers an introduction to their learning management system (LMS) with details related to their ability to 'co-enroll' in a course as an Observer in order to track their students' progress. DUSD teachers and staff value and encourage the participation of all stakeholders in ensuring high levels of student learning, including the vital involvement of parents and guardians, especially during this unprecedented time of distance learning.

3. Set Your Student’s Workspace - To successfully participate in distance learning, your student(s) will need the following: 
  • Dedicated space to participate in a virtual learning environment.
  • Google Chromebook, Laptop, or Desktop Computer
    • For families with multiple students, each one will need their own computer device. If you are in need of a Google Chromebook, visit us at this link to request one for your student.
  • Wifi or Mobile Hotspot 
  • Schools will also be directly contacting their families if there are other items students need to have before the first day. 
4. Review your Student’s Schedule - If you completed the Virtual Check-In Process, you will be receiving your student’s schedule by no later than this evening. Please review this with your student and print out the bell schedules from the Road to Reopening Playbook.
  • For those who have not completed the Virtual Check-In Process, visit this link for more information. You must also remember to complete your Student Emergency Form to receive your student’s schedule.
5. Visit the Parent Online Learning Help Portal - Our Technology Department has developed a comprehensive help portal to support families during distance learning. We ask that all parents/guardians visit this page and familiarize themselves with the links included. This includes a Canvas Guide, HelpDesk, and information on Digital Citizenship.

6. Establish a Daily Routine - Attendance is now required and grades will be given during the 2020-21 school year. It is important to establish a schedule with your student to ensure they are able to attend their classes on time and be ready to participate.

Parent Protocols During Distance Learning

As we move into a new full distance learning model this year, it’s important for our parents/guardians and their families to understand and respect the legal aspects pertaining to students, teachers, and staff. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to read the information provided and contact your site with additional questions.

Student Confidentiality
  • All students have the right to confidentiality, which extends to distance learning.     
    • Exception: By law, staff members are mandated reporters and required to report suspected child abuse, as well as safety concerns related to danger of self and to others. 
  • To the extent possible, all students should remain in a confidential setting while viewing in-classroom teaching. 
  • Per Education Code 51512, it is illegal to record teachers and/or students. This is a violation of student and staff privacy. Any person, other than a pupil, who willfully violates this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any pupil violating this section shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
Student Interaction ONLY 
  • In-classroom teaching is for the personal use of the student ONLY for the sole purpose of distance learning.
  • Parents/guardians and family members should not interact during a live session or class with a teacher. If they need to communicate with their student’s teacher, they must go through the proper channels and schedule a meeting. 
Academic Integrity
  • DUSD places a high value on academic integrity and honesty. Students are expected to use only the resources and references allowed by their teachers in completing assignments and assessments.
  • While collaborative work with other students is often encouraged and acceptable, students must follow teacher directions when told to work independently.
  • Students who cheat on assignments or assessments will be penalized. 
Student Dress Code and Behavior 
  • Students should keep to the dress code as they would in a physical classroom, and avoid inappropriate clothes during a live session.
  • Distance learning is subject to the District’s Acceptable Use Policy. The District has the right to monitor behavior, identify bullying, and set expectations for good behavior while using these platforms. 
  • The District may use audio or video recordings when investigating possible inappropriate behavior. 
Visiting a DUSD Site
In order to follow health and safety guidelines provided by the Alameda County Public Health Department (ACPHD) and California Department of Public Health (CDPH), we ask that all visitors:
  • Make an appointment to speak to site admin and/or a counselor, when possible.
  • Maintain a social distance of six feet with anyone around you. In addition, we will only allow a maximum of two visitors at a time in all school offices.
  • Wear face coverings at all times. Those without a face covering will not be allowed on any school property.
  • Limit their movement on campus to the school office only.  Visitors, including parents/guardians, are not allowed to enter the school grounds or classrooms. 
  • Adhere to the drop off/pick up schedules for packets and assignments as determined and communicated by each school site.
Best Practices for Students and Staff
  • With an eye towards these privacy issues, we have put together the following shortlist of best practices when using distance learning platforms:
    • Avoid uploading sensitive, confidential, or personally identifiable information to these platforms whenever possible.
    • Always access these platforms from the same device (e.g., designate one computer for distance learning; do not use multiple computers or devices).
    • Regularly clear your internet history, including your browsing history, cache, and cookies.
    • Do not share your login credentials or meeting links with anyone.
    • Use an advertisement blocking program while accessing these platforms.

Daniel R. Moirao Ed.D.
Acting Superintendent
Dublin Unified School District

Monday, March 23, 2020

So we begin week two of our new normal.


I'm a podcast addict, so this has given me chances to listen as I begin doing chores, and we walk the dog 2+ times per day. Here are two podcasts that I have heard that have helped me during the uncertainties of the times we're in.

As parents, you may like how the married couple has a 10-year-old who they have not allowed much screen time. Then last week, they admitted rules were thrown out the door. Sometimes it is good to know we are all trying our best, and trying our best is the new perfect. There are also tons of reflections on dealing w/ so much time in our own heads and for some of us dealing with having to TCOB while at home. 

I'm a big Brene Brown fan. The topic of her first podcast is a timely podcast for us, all based on last week and going forward. She talks about F.F.T.'s The first F is not suitable for kids, so it goes something similar (Fudging the First Times) -- how uncomfortable the first time doing something is, how important it is to continue having first times and having "grace" towards yourself and others as we go through the opening times.  

Back to the schoolwork with the kids:

Here is today's updated journal topic:
Monday, March 23, 2020 -- So we are now beginning week 2 of this new adventure. What do you think will be different this week than it was for you last week? Were you online too much? Do you want to move around/exercise more? Describe any changes that you want to make and any challenges you are having. Some people are struggling with being in their heads too much (figuratively), and also being with the same X family members for 24 hours per day is a struggle.

Whatever is working for your family and your child. 
Zearn #1 choice
Khan Academy #2 choice
Scootpad Math or IXLs #3 choice
After spring break, I'll offer some PDFs for families that are low on computer times or want their kids off of their screens. 

Reading old school book or listening to a book of their choice #1 option
Epic Books (reading or listening) choice #2. (let me know if you need me to send the invite again to you)
Scootpad Language Arts choice #3
Khan Academy Language Arts Choice #4

P.E. and Music 
If you haven't already reached out to jonestheresa@dublinusd.org for instructions on how to get added to her Classdojo classroom.
Don't forget there are tons of Youtube Yoga and exercise ideas. Furthermore, there is a ton of youtube on how to draw and paint videos for kids. 

Science and Social Studies
We do have weekly science. 
We have IXL science if they want to do that.
Tons of Brainpop science and Brainpop Social Studies.
Khan Academy had that an amazing breakdown lesson(s) on the American Revolution. 

If I'm rushing you can refer back to all of my ideas from last week:

Today and tomorrow, I am going into Dublin Elementary. So I will be checking in with the students via Flipgrid. So they should look for the Flip Grid topics in Google Classroom. I do ask the kids to reply to "at least" two other classmate's videos. 

Tomorrow's "parade":
It will begin at 11:15 from DES. Teachers, admin, and support staff will drive through our community (route to be determined). It is a fun way to connect with our students and families.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Friday, March 20, 2020

10:00 a.m. today, we are trying the Zoom meeting.
We muddled through yesterday, so we will see how Zoom goes today. 

Today's Padlet is all about TGIF

The CNN10's are for staying in the loop on what is happening.

Questions about Epic Books
Every mom received an email from technically "Epic Books," but it says I invited your child.
It takes less than a minute. You, as the adult, create an account (no c.c.# required and no subscription), and then your child can have access to the now 35,000+ books.

Daily Journaling (1st person historian):
Friday, March 20, 2020 -- This is our first weekend with the shelter in place. Describe what a "typical" weekend used to be for you and your family (e.g., softball, baseball, basketball, Japanese classes, Russian math competitions, etc.). Contrast what your weekends were usually like with what you think this weekend will be like. 

Entertaining Podcast about how eating wild game could be contributing to coronaviruses attacking us.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thursday, March 19, 2020

A great science Youtube video from Mark Rober:

Today's primary source/first-person journal topic:
Thursday, March 19, 2020 -- Describe what the "Shelter In Place" means as of 3/19/20. How are your family and yourself handling getting the necessary supplies? Maybe write about how people are hoarding toilet paper? Do you leave the house w/ your family when they get supplies? Have you ordered in from a restaurant or grocery store?

Today's Padlet is "selfie-Thursday"

The district just announced these two offerings: 
If your family needs a Chromebook(s) or "free wi-fi" -- the district is here to help:
From my understanding, you can check out a Chromebook per child. The hotspot is free wi-fi. 

10:00 AM MEETING today!! (for the Students)

Also, Zearn.org is a smaller non-profit
I think with the school closures, their bandwidth may be getting maxed out. So if your child is having Zearn issues, they can use their math time to use Khan Academy, IXLs, or even Scootpad. 

It looks like state testing in California may take this year off? Schools throughout California are all trying to figure this out. 

I can not thank everyone enough who have reached out and thanked me. It does mean a lot to me. I have always felt that I was put onto earth to teach and contribute to society by helping inspire young learners. So being here for the kids and their families through this unknown time is something I feel beholden to do. 

Kind regards,
Mr. Hubbard