Tuesday, September 24, 2013

September 24, 2013 Day 19-Week 5

Tech Tuesday as we like to call it.

Today went by quick…

We first reviewed and took final questions about the chapter 2 math.  We reviewed the type of questions that would be on the test.  

We then read the final 25 pages in Maniac Magee.  Much much ground was covered today.  Mars Bars was brought to a party on the West-side.   There was much racial tension and a fight almost broke out.  

In the end Maniac’s attempt to bring the East and West (white & blacks) together would pay dividends when the book reaches its climatic point.  

Now that the book has been completed we will be doing reflective pieces, relaying some of the ideas and stories told in the book to our own lives while also researching where specific points of the story occurred.
During the reading of the book, we taken time to discuss the following topics:
The book allowed us to tie in our discussion on the branches of government from the Supreme Court deciding segregation was no longer fair, state rights, and the responsibility of the executive branch, the President, to uphold the laws of the land.  
If you have time it would be appropriate to ask your son/daughter about what they learned about from reading this book.
The book covers the following themes and issues:
race, ignorance, bullying, homelessness, grit, resiliency,illiteracy, legends and family (what is a family and is there really one definition of what a family is?).
Many of the directions that our class discussions has evolved into were led by the curiosity and the questions asked by the class.   True learning happens when humans sit down and have a conversation.  So please have your son/daughter explain what they took out of the book and their experiences and then please feel free to enlighten them with what you have read or learned about any of these keys themes.

We then took our chapter 2 test.  It was 100% open-ended and a large part of their grade is taking a menu with numerous items and answering questions regarding to shopping, estimating and staying within their budget.

We then took our triumphant 45’ish minute trip into the computer lab.  As of right now 28 of 32 students have turned on their Google apps.   Also 28 of the 32 students have added me as their coach on https://www.khanacademy.org/
By makin me their coach, if students watch movies to review math concepts or if they want to challenge themselves, they will get full credit for watching the movies and completing the practice exercises.  Also if a student struggles with the exercises, the site will give me a heads up to work with the student since the particular series of videos have not been clear.  It is a great way for a student to challenge themselves by working ahead of our daily lessons and it is a great resources for those students that need to remediate or our too shy to ask during the day.

**A great idea was brought up by one of my fellow 5th grade peers, Ms. Proctor from Fred. Elem, she mentioned offering to parents that the students share their Google app password with their parents.   If your student is not immediately receptive to sharing their password with you, you can email me.  I can NOT see their current password, however I can change or reset it.  Therefore I can make the password whatever your family would like it to be.  Just another way for those parents that like to be involved with their son or daughter’s online presence.  Other things of note -- Google+ is not turned on for students or for teachers.  Again the goal is to protect and incubate our youth from participating in the wild wild west of the internet.  

Students are free to email me with questions.  I will also at times email them assignments or handouts since this helps cut down on trees.

We ended the day reviewing the multiplication and addition properties related to tonight’s homework.
Our review was quick therefore students are strongly encouraged to watch the following Brainpops:

Finally for students trying to add upon our daily lessons and challenge themselves, they should log into www.khanacademy.org and watch & do the activities associated with this entire lesson (14 modules and would take a day or two):

We ended the day discussing the Constitution.  The students threw it down and excelled when asked to name examples of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branch!!!  
Tonight’s assignment is to reflect on how living under the Mar’s Constitution would change their lives and how it would not be much fun.  Students were role-modeled and strongly encouraged to point out specific references to the two Constitutions when writing their response.  

We still need chaperons for Outdoor Education!!  If you can help out and also enjoy four days of wonderful meals, healthy exercise and little to no sleep -- then please see Lotus Lee in the office at your earliest convenience. If you are on the fence or need more information, then show up on Thursday evening where either the naturalist or myself can answer your questions.  
**FYI -- it was asked and I shouldn’t have assumed.  If you are a chaperon -- considering that you are working pretty much for four straight days w/ little break.  Your stay as chaperon at Chateau Camp Arroyo will be 100% free.  

Kind regards,

Mr. Hubbard
“If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?”
  • John Wooden

Here is the homework for the week:

*students earning 98% or higher after the first four weeks, will be given the option to also participate in the 6th grade words.

Twirling Pinwheels due Wed. *must show your work
Page 52 1-20 all due on Wednesday
Page 54-55 7-23 all due on Thursday *must show original numbers, estimated numbers, and then your estimated answer.
Page 57 8-19 all estimate and use area model for multiplication
What are the different ways that you can decompose and effectively do multiplication? I’m glad you asked.  Click here and find out..

Maniac Magee Work:
Maniac Magee -- writing on being bullied. BULLY due on Wednesday
Maniac Magee test due on Friday
Maniac Magee end of book and theme assessments -- due on Tuesday, October 1st.

Non-fiction reading strategies:
Susan B. Anthony due Thursday

Branches of Government tables due on Tuesday
USA Constitution versus Mar’s Constitution due on Thursday

Free-Write due on Friday:
Who let the dogs out?  

Read 20+ minutes every night.

Sharkathon on Friday -- get donations and be prepared to run and have fun on Friday.

Camp Meeting on Thursday evening 6:30-7:30

Wall of random needs artifacts, photos, art, drawings, etc…

Monday, September 23, 2013

September 23, 2013 Day 18-Week 5

Another great Monday….

I was not in class today due to professional development where we were further preparing ourselves for the common core standards and assessments that will be officially adopted for the 2014-2015 school year.  

I found this pretty enlightening today.  If you would like to see an example of the type of open-ended questions that your son/daughter will be taking beginning this school year but for “real” next school year, then click onto this link:
You will see towards the bottom the green button “student interface” click onto that and look at the multi media they must ingest before answering questions.   As you can see students must become used to reading on-screen and there are not some multiple choice tests.  

We have continued taking daily practice quizzes on decomposing numbers for addition (both w/ positive and negative integers).  
The students should have many pages of examples on decomposing.  We did roughly 5 examples every day, then took a quiz every day and finally we would then review the quiz.  Unfortunately with the on-going technology quirks being worked out with the new tablet and the docking station -- my smartboard notes ended up in several temp folders/files that after 30+ minutes I am unable to retrieve.  I will become waaaay more diligent saving our notes going forward so during the four to five daily system restarts that information will not be lost.  

THIS FRIDAY MORNING is the big Shark-A-Thon.  There are big prizes for those who raise the most money.  So hit up those grandparents, aunts and uncles :)  Also we are going to be hitting them with “Hammer Time!!” when we’re the Hubbard Hammerheads!!   

Google Apps:
With the new common core assessments it will be imperative that your son/daughter can produce and infer information on a computer screen.  Technology is a tool and they practice using this tool.  Therefore as a district students from 2nd-grade through 12th grade will have access to Google Apps.   Begining in 4th grade students will also have access to @dublinusd.net email.  For the students this is a SELF-CONTAINED email & messaging system.  That means only users originating from @dublinusd.net can contact your son or daughter.  All activity is being logged as well.  This is a safe environment and most importantly the Google tools allow your son/daughter to keep their work in the “cloud” which allows them to collaborate with their peers and easily work on projects at home or at school.   
Also the district can configure the student account to use the various collaboration apps. without access to email or messaging.   They have used this in cases of students abusing email or due to parental concerns.  
In my experience with the Google apps.  the students will get a little “cray’cray” with the email at first and then like any new toy at Christmas they will return to more normal usage rates after they tire of their new toy.  
Going forward students are STRONGLY encouraged to turn in written documents using the google docs.   This allows for easy editing, collaboration, and practice with typing.  

This year we do cover the following 21st century curriculum:  
Email -- etiquette and how
calendar -- how to use and organize
google docs and google folders -- how to create, share and organize
google presentation - similar to Powerpoint
google spreadsheet -- how to use basic functions
advanced search techniques

Kind regards,

Mr. Hubbard
“If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?”
  • John Wooden

Here is the homework for the week:

*students earning 98% or higher after the first four weeks, will be given the option to also participate in the 6th grade words.

Handout -- due on Tuesday.
Multiple choice however students must show their work.
Chapter 2 test is on Tuesday
Twirling Pinwheels due Wed. *must show your work
Page 52 1-20 all due on Wednesday
Page 54-55 7-23 all due on Thursday *must show original numbers, estimated numbers, and then your estimated answer.
Page 57 8-19 all estimate and use area model for multiplication
What are the different ways that you can decompose and effectively do multiplication? I’m glad you asked.  Click here and find out..

Maniac Magee Work:
Journal entry should have been completed in class today.  Due on Tuesday and be prepared to share out w/ group.
Maniac Magee -- writing on being bullied. BULLY due on Wednesday
Maniac Magee test due on Friday
Maniac Magee end of book and theme assessments -- due on Tuesday, October 1st.

Non-fiction reading strategies:
Susan B. Anthony due Thursday

Branches of Government tables due on Tuesday
USA Constitution versus Mar’s Constitution due on Thursday

Free-Write due on Friday:
Who let the dogs out?  

Read 20+ minutes every night.

Sharkathon on Friday -- get donations and be prepared to run and have fun on Friday.

Camp Meeting on Thursday evening 6:30-7:30

Wall of random needs artifacts, photos, art, drawings, etc…

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

September 17, 2013 Day 14-Week 4

Happy Toes’Day….

Better late than never.

Similar to how we started off last night:
1.  Math Night is on Wednesday evening.  6 to 8 p.m.   There will be some presentations going on, games in my room and other teachers’ rooms and I will be available to discuss Common Core & Acclaim math strategies.
2.  If you son or daughter are going or not going to camp, we really could use that form returned ASAP.  Also if you up to have a blast with your child and helping out the community please consider signing up to be a camp chaperon.  

FYI about camp:  Next Thursday night is the Camp Information night.  It will be in the Multi Purpose Room and the primary speaker there will be a camp naturalist or two from the camp itself.   Plus I will be there as well, I may be distracted trying to follow the Niners football game however I will physically be there.

Today’s events:
We read in the morning.  I am surprised by the amount of students who still claim not to have chosen their trimester book project.  This is a project that includes six distinct sections and can not be properly completed in an evening or two.  Therefore students are strongly encouraged to read their book sooner rather than later.

Maniac Magee --
Our discussion went deeper about how ignorance of other cultures or “people” can lead someone to make “weird” or “negative” assumptions about them.  We discussed about how Grayson seems like a real kind and nice person based upon how he works with & cares for  Maniac Magee.  Yet he clearly had some wrong ignorant assumption about black families.   
We also enjoyed how Grayson and Maniac continue to deepen their friendship and it appears that once again Maniac has found a home.

Please note that we had a long talk about last night’s decomposing homework.  About 40% of the class showed grit and determination, they reviewed their notes, and they persevered through a new concept.   These everyday acts of heroism and not given up especially when being asked to extend past your comfort zone is when self discipline and real learning takes place.  
Now having said that, for those that did persevere I understood it took an unacceptable amount of time.  I even role-modeled problem #6 which I did not realize involve two numbers greater than one million and took me 2/3rds of a page to complete.  I LOVE decomposing and even I thought it was a tad overkill.  So the homework has been modified so the students are to use decomposing but on only 10 problems.  I want them trying to “play” with the numbers, decompose (i.e. modify) the numbers and this will take time since it is so new to them.  So rather than the traditional “give me 30 problems where you simply remember to steal 1 from the number on the left and put a 1 on the number above” or “carry over (where they really have no concept what or whom they are carrying over).  I want them playing around and combining numbers to add and subtract.

After math we had Tech Tuesday and Constitution Day celebration.
This holiday became official in 2004 when it was an amendment added to an omnibus spending bill.   Click here to read about the holiday.
I love how our legislative body works where a national holiday is simply added onto a spending bill.  

So we spent time watching Constitution movies on www.brainpop.com, playing a game of checks and balances on www.brainpop.com and we enjoyed videos by the social study rap and hip hop group http://smartsongs.org/  

The kids were really into the talk about some of the Bill of Rights more so than the checks and balances in our government.  So maybe ask them about house of soldiers, double jeopardy and cruel and unusual punishment.
Kind regards,

Mr. Hubbard

Homework for the week:
Page 38 1-8 and 11-12 odd problems can be done whatever way they choose/even problems must use the decompose methods found in their notebook.  due Wednesday
Page 40-41 (ten problems) odd problems can be done whatever way they choose/even problems must use the decompose methods found in their notebook.  due Thursday
Page 46-47 1-14 It is multiple choice however YOU MUST SHOW YOUR WORK.  Don’t bring in a piece of paper with 14 random letters.

L.A. and History Block
History Book 171-174  due on Wednesday
History Book 175-178 due Friday
Simile and Metaphor handout will be unique and due on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning.

Think of Five Companies that you would like to invest our classroom money in.   Include 2 to 5 sentences why you believe this will be a profitable company for our class.  

Free Write due on Friday
A “free” free-write.   Write one page or 20 minutes on any subject or topic that you want to write about.

Read 20 minutes
**less than 1 month until the trimester book project is due.