Tuesday, November 18, 2014

November 18, 2014

Week 13...

Sorry for the long gap between communication.  Student led conferences and reports card take a large portion of the school day and post school day therefore the emails were put onto the back burner.

Things going on?

1st thing -- tonight Dublin Elementary School is having their “Spotlight” presentation for the school board members.  It begins at 5:30 p.m.   We are the first item on the agenda therefore we should be completed w/ our presentation early.  If you have the time, it is great to show up, fill up the school board room and show our Dublin Elementary Shark pride!!!!
Here is our official video capturing the 2014 2015 Spotlight Presentation:

2nd thing -- Parent Information Night hosted by DUSD is on Wednesday and Thursday from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. ( 11/19 and 11/20)
The next edition of Parent Information Nights are part of our continued Common Core Implementation.
The evening will begin with a short general session to provide an overview of our district’s implementation. Parents may then attend two 40-minute breakout sessions, choosing from a wide menu of workshop selections in an effort to meet their needs and answer their questions.
These evenings are for ALL PARENTS, from kindergarten parents to parents of seniors. We believe that parents’ understanding of this shift in content and practice in our classrooms is vital to our students' success.
Childcare will be provided on site by the Dublin High Leadership Class at no charge.

3rd thing -- Family Science Night is on Wednesday, November 19th from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room.   PFC is paying for this so it is 100% free and it sounds like it will be awesome.  

We had a large math test on Friday.  Holistically as a class students are struggling with keeping multiplication, addition and subtraction with fractions straight in their heads.  There were students trying to make common denominators when they were multiplying fractions.  Students just adding denominators regardless if they were common or not (e.g. 2/3 + 4/5 does NOT = 6/8 )

Additional homework for students that are could use something to do or need to refine these skills:
In 5th grade focus on skills “M” through “N” -- if a student worked on mastering M1, then M2, then M3, etc….one skill per evening, they would find fractions far less divisive (math pun).  

Narrative Writing -- we continue to do some of a Hubbard’s modified Lucy Calkin’s writers workshop.  We are adding key writing points for the students to go back and add to their previously created narratives.  We recently added “transition” words & phrases and this week added “endings.”   

Friday’s Friendship Soup and Circle Time:
A Hubbard tradition is creating our version of “stone” soup on Friday.   I don’t use a stone however all the students pitch in and bring their favorite vegetable to add to our large soup pot.  Truth be told, it doesn't have to be their favorite vegetable, it could also be whatever happens to be in your pantry and/or freezer as of Friday morning.   The point of the tradition is that we all help create our yummy soup, we have a communal circle time and we ease our way into the Thanksgiving break.

Reminders and “rules” regarding our soup:
  1. We have a strict nut free diet in our entire class.  Therefore if you feel compelled to saute your vegetables before bringing them in, please do not use nut based oils.
  2. A sandwich size bag of the vegetable will be enough.  Believe me, with 24 students all bringing in a sandwich size bag we will have a cornucopia of vegetables.   You may use a small Tupperware if your vegetable is messy or you are soaking the diced potatoes in water to stop discoloring.  
  3. The school does not like me to bring a big knife in and I don’t necessarily have a can opener therefore if your vegetables could be pre cut, pre washed and placed inside the bag that would be highly appreciated.  
  4. Students asked if they could bring additional flavorings such as:, jalapeno, diced sausage, hot sauce, Sriracha sauce, etc.  You can bring that in as an additional item, we will put that off to the side and kids can choose if they want to add it to their soup.
  5. If you have the time or inclination, vegetables such as onions, tomatoes (I know they are really a fruit), zucchini or whatever are nice additions to our soup.   Going off the beaten path ensures that we do not have just a carrot, corn and potato soup.  
  6. You know your son/daughter best, if they enjoy vegetable soup then possibly have them bring a lighter lunch on Friday.  We will be eating right after lunch time.  If they do not like vegetables unless they are covered in molten cheese or ranch dressing, then they should bring a normal size lunch on Friday.  
  7. We frequently will have some left over soup.  Therefore if your son/daughter brings in a Tupperware container, thermos, etc..I will happily allow them to bring some home.  
The kids would love some additional niceties if people have the inclination to help.    Bowls, spoons, rolls or rustic bread, butter, chicken broth, popcorn….Look for that request to help to come from Shutterfly in the near future.  

Outdoor Education and 5th Grade T-Shirt
Camp is approaching fast and our 5th grade camp T-shirts are being ordered soon!  All of the 5th grade classes have been sized for our newly designed 5th grade camp T-shirts.  All 5th grade students will receive a camp T-shirt the morning they leave for camp (cost was included in camp fee).  We ask that the students wear this shirt the first day for the group picture that will be taken for the yearbook.
Last year some parents wanted to purchase a camp T-shirt for themselves.  If you would like your own 5th grade camp shirt to wear when you volunteer at camp or on campus, please fill out the form below and return to your child’s teacher.
Phone #:_________________________
Child’s Name:__________________________________  Child’s Teacher:_____________________________
Size (circle one):    
Adult Small       Adult Medium       Adult Large       Adult XL      Adult XXL
                                   (Larger sizes available upon request)
Cost:  $10.00
(Please return form with payment to the PFC mailbox no later than this Friday 11/21.) Or you may pay online through Pay Pal by going to Dublinpfc.org under donations.

Kind regards,

Mr.  Hubbard
When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a manner that when you die the world cries and you rejoice.
  • Old Native American Saying

Homework for the remainder of the week:

Page 266-267 (1-29 all) due Wednesday   11-6
Page 214 - 215 (1-30 all) due Thursday       9-6
Page 242-243  (1-12 all) due Friday 10-6
Also X,Y graphing handout is due on Wednesday titled “Graphiti”

Friendship Soup due on Friday morning (see above)

Weekly Vocab page 31 due on Wednesday and page 32 due on Thursday

Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday, November 3, 2014

Happy Monday!!

We’ll start off with the important stuff, this begins the student led conference week.  Therefore the students will be departing school everyday at 2:00 p.m.  

A reminder these are student led conferences.  It is always a great idea to ask your son/daughter before leaving for the conference if they need to bring anything with them.  Sometimes kids bring their goal work and their grades home with them to look at them and prepare for their meeting and then they leave the paperwork at home.  

A significant portion of this week (45 to 60 minutes per day) and next week will be spent allowing students to review their work and create realistic and non generic goals.  

“If you’re going to make an omelette you will have to break a few eggs.”  I’m not sure who said that however it sure seems true in our case here in the C-Wing.  I eagerly look forward to Dublin Elementary expanding and having a brand new 3rd/4th grade wing.  Yet our building expansion is in full bloom which brings with it constant noises and equipment distractions.   I have no witty commentary and I fully understand that it is a necessary nuisance that must exist in order for us to expand our school.   I guess I’m just using this forum to express myself.  Your kids have been troopers, they understand about the no windows or doors opened on many days and they put up with their noise challenged recesses.  

We took an end of the trimester 1 test last Thursday.  Many students really struggled with the geometry section of the test.  We reviewed concepts regarding triangles, parallelograms and solving to find a missing angle.  So we reviewed that and students will be working on practicing and taking notes again on these concepts.  

Today’s lesson is also a further lesson on parallelograms.  
Here are two videos that we watched on them:
If your student jumps right to 8:04 in the video, they should be able to successfully answer any of tonight’s math homework.  

We had the last of our presentations.  As a general consensus many of the 24 students that presented struggled to pull out specific quotes and details from the book that they read.  Often inferences were made without citing specific parts of the story that led to that observation, critique or made “it cool.”  I do not know how many times I heard it was a “great book” without a “because” or any mention to specific parts of the story that would lead someone to believe the book was great.   The nice thing students can refurbish their original project and resubmit for a higher grade.  

Kind regards,

Mr. Hubbard
If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.
  • Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Homework for the week:
354-355 1-17 all 15-5 due Tuesday
376-377 1-11 all 16-5 due Wednesday
264-265 1-18 all 11-5 due Thursday
212-213 1-28 all 9-5 due Friday

page 27 due Tuesday
page 28 due Wednesday
page 29 due Thursday

Non fiction reading comprehension is due on Thursday.  “Plants are producers”

Free-Write due this Friday:
I have these dice with tons of different things that you can write about.  I rolled five of the dice and this is what the “writing gods” said we were to write about this week:
1. drama
  1. A happy face
  2. cell phone
  3. a castle
  4. an insect

There will be some extra homework related to goals and writing related to setting goals.