Monday, March 23, 2020

So we begin week two of our new normal.


I'm a podcast addict, so this has given me chances to listen as I begin doing chores, and we walk the dog 2+ times per day. Here are two podcasts that I have heard that have helped me during the uncertainties of the times we're in.

As parents, you may like how the married couple has a 10-year-old who they have not allowed much screen time. Then last week, they admitted rules were thrown out the door. Sometimes it is good to know we are all trying our best, and trying our best is the new perfect. There are also tons of reflections on dealing w/ so much time in our own heads and for some of us dealing with having to TCOB while at home. 

I'm a big Brene Brown fan. The topic of her first podcast is a timely podcast for us, all based on last week and going forward. She talks about F.F.T.'s The first F is not suitable for kids, so it goes something similar (Fudging the First Times) -- how uncomfortable the first time doing something is, how important it is to continue having first times and having "grace" towards yourself and others as we go through the opening times.  

Back to the schoolwork with the kids:

Here is today's updated journal topic:
Monday, March 23, 2020 -- So we are now beginning week 2 of this new adventure. What do you think will be different this week than it was for you last week? Were you online too much? Do you want to move around/exercise more? Describe any changes that you want to make and any challenges you are having. Some people are struggling with being in their heads too much (figuratively), and also being with the same X family members for 24 hours per day is a struggle.

Whatever is working for your family and your child. 
Zearn #1 choice
Khan Academy #2 choice
Scootpad Math or IXLs #3 choice
After spring break, I'll offer some PDFs for families that are low on computer times or want their kids off of their screens. 

Reading old school book or listening to a book of their choice #1 option
Epic Books (reading or listening) choice #2. (let me know if you need me to send the invite again to you)
Scootpad Language Arts choice #3
Khan Academy Language Arts Choice #4

P.E. and Music 
If you haven't already reached out to for instructions on how to get added to her Classdojo classroom.
Don't forget there are tons of Youtube Yoga and exercise ideas. Furthermore, there is a ton of youtube on how to draw and paint videos for kids. 

Science and Social Studies
We do have weekly science. 
We have IXL science if they want to do that.
Tons of Brainpop science and Brainpop Social Studies.
Khan Academy had that an amazing breakdown lesson(s) on the American Revolution. 

If I'm rushing you can refer back to all of my ideas from last week:

Today and tomorrow, I am going into Dublin Elementary. So I will be checking in with the students via Flipgrid. So they should look for the Flip Grid topics in Google Classroom. I do ask the kids to reply to "at least" two other classmate's videos. 

Tomorrow's "parade":
It will begin at 11:15 from DES. Teachers, admin, and support staff will drive through our community (route to be determined). It is a fun way to connect with our students and families.

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