Thursday, August 31, 2017

8/31 Thursday -- It is a quick one folks!

Brainpop -- the saga continues 

Brainpop congratulated me on discovering a bug in their software. Currently, teachers are unable to change passwords of their students. Our situations are further complicated because teachers are never shown their student's passwords. So we have cases where students can't log in because they don't remember their password and I can't change it right now. They said they would get a programmer on this right away and tey will call or update me back once they fix the bug. 

If you child is positive that they know their password and they can't sign in at home -- try clearing out all Brainpop related "cookies." I did that for one student, and it did work!!!

Therefore, kids are getting an extension on the Brainpops this week. 

They are due tomorrow. 

Weekly Friday Reading Journal + Reflection 
Remember students may either 1) Create a video response 2) Answer on-line or 3) Print up the document and write their answers. 

Here is the video link for the week.

As a reminder, the reading journal is a "soft" Friday deadline since they need to read for 30 minutes on Thursday as well. Therefore, just get it completed before the Monday morning of the next week. It is a reading journal and weekly reflection, so this can't authentically be "skipped" or "made up" after the fact (i.e., no one remembers what they read two weeks ago or what their goals were that week).

Stay cool....make sure they bring EXTRA water tomorrow -- it is going to be a record setting heat day!!

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