Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday, August 27, 2014 -- Day 1

Happy New Years!!  The 2014-2015 year kicked off.  

Room C-5 and all of the 5th grade classes have 24 eager and excited students ready to take the world by storm.

Our class motto this year is:  “We” Makes “Me” Stronger
We are going to focus on all of us pushing each other further with our academic and character challenges.  With all of us supporting each other’s best interest we will be a learning community built on Trust, Compassion, Stability and Hopeful for bright futures.  

The first few days are days full of procedures, what is expected, and setting the foundation for trust, compassion and stability.

I also shared with the students who I am and what I am all about.  Therefore the conversation delved into wearable technology, computers as large as my classroom, what a 1977 Star Trek video game was like,  how math and data analysis is everywhere and growing, and why they should strongly consider attending U.C. Davis.  

Students had a quick chance to describe their summer in word.  There were epic, awesome, busy, amazing, tropical, and only one person described their summer using a negative.  I look forward to hearing all about them in more detail when we have our first circle time tomorrow.

Students also completed their first free-write of the year.  They do a braindump for 20 straight minutes regarding that particular topic.  Today’s topic was “tell me about your family.”  I purposely leave it open ended as it is enlightening to read about how students choose to describe their family.  Some go into specific details about one or two members, some are clearly future genealogist and some truly consider their pet turtle a member of their family.   

Students also had their first signing/music class with Mrs. Jones-Heinz today.  Music is Wednesday and P.E. will be on Tuesday.  

We ended the day discussing and showing examples of what complete sentences look like.  As this is related to their first homework assignment where they some information with me about who they are.  

If you can’t, just return the written form and I will type it into my log.  

Ron Hubbard
Teacher, 5th Grade
Dublin Elementary School

“The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.”  Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

Homework given out tonight:
Read for 20 minutes regarding whatever you want to read about.

Math:  Create at least 10 equations where the answer is equal to your number in the class.  Try and be as creative as you feel possible.
E.G.  Mookie is #25 in our class.   He would do:
100 / 4 = ?
45+15-35 = ?  
¼ * 100 = ?
20 + 5 = ?

Language Arts and Writing:
Complete the handout titled “Getting to know you better” -This is due Friday however it is 15 questions long therefore they should complete a minimum of 7 tonight; especially since their answers matter a ton to me so I want complete sentences and for them to try their best.  

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