Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday #81 2011 2012

Day 81 was full of learning and fun.

For the first time this year, our class earned a “super 50+ stars!!!!!”  Coming off their great respectful behavior on Tuesday, this was great on our way to having this become a habit.  Awesome, awesome job!!

CNN students  -we focused our notes on the New Hampshire primary, fuel subsidies in Nigeria, and they took us on a preview of the Consumer Electronics Show.  

DEAR time -- a few students forgot their Reading Around the World log, please bring those in.

Math:  the entire class participated in our lesson on division with mixed numbers.
Here are our notes.
Here is another lesson on dividing fractions.
Here is one more lesson on dividing fractions
Word problem with division & fractions

Science -- pages 32 and 33 and a big test is coming up so be on the look out for the study guide.

Vocab -- the kids hit a homerun today.  Their posters or vocab cards were amazing.  Tons of humor and creativity in capturing what the words mean.

Singing -- see above, they earned their first Super of the year.

Circle time and Read Aloud.   
We read this great book, One, which covers bullying, how people not being bullied need to rally together to stop the bullying and how there are strength in numbers but it takes “one” to step and protect the bullied.  
Here is the book being read by the author.
So we had a great talk about the messages in the book.  If you had time, it would be great to ask your son or daughter about what messages or ideas from the book and the circle-time stood with them today.

Kind regards,
Ron Hubbard
Use my Gmail account and you can make me your coach on

If there is no gardener there is no garden.
Stephen Covey

Homework for the week:
Field Trip Paperwork -- I will go through the volunteer information on Wednesday.  Just remember that the office needs non-expired proof of insurance from your insurance carrier and if you didn’t at back to school night, and you need to complete the volunteer form.   ALL FORMS can be found here.

**mathathon 40 question handout due on Thursday.
286-287 1-27 odds due Thursday
290-291 1-25 all due Friday ** to be completed everyone

Grammar all due Thursday
P.B. 227,228 and 229

Vocab and Spelling test on Friday  here are this week’s words.

Science -- due Tuesday 32 and 33

In class spelling bee will be 1/19 and top three move onto the school competition on 1/23

Free - Write due Thursday
Describe the most memorable meal you have ever had in your life.  NON - FICTION

Free-Write due Friday
Describe the day in the life of the brand new hero -- “Mr. Citrus”

Social Studies assessment on Thursday  -- here are their notes.

Reading Around the World Logs are due on Wednesday, Januay 11th

Book Card 1/31/12 on historical fiction

U.A. -- graphing and art due on Thursday

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