Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday #71 2011 2012

CNN Students
The big pullout of our troops from Iraq was discussed.   The Supreme Court is going to oversee the constitutionality of Arizona’s immigration law.   What makes this really unique is that Supreme Court Elena Kagan has to sit this case out since she worked for the Obama Administration when it cubically spoke out about the constitutionality of this law.  They then did a quick recap of all the Republican presidential candidates who have had their moment to shine and then fall out of favor.  Finally CNN shared how they had their Hereos of the Year award ceremony this weekend and who were the finalists and who was the winner.

We began reading about how reading has proven to help people socially.  Apparently fiction reading has been proven to make people more empathetic and able to “mind model.”  Studies have proven, if you want more friend, read more books!!!

Science -- get ready for tomorrow’s test.  They reviewed the study guide and discussed tomorrow’s test.  
Homework TONIGHT -- complete the study guide, study for the test and turn in the “extra credit.”

Math -- we came back and took the chapter 11 test.  About 50% finished today, we will complete it tomorrow.  The homework is 12 questions based on the mathathon.  

U.A. --- ½ graphing and ½ IXL

Kind regards,
Ron Hubbard
Use my Gmail account and you can make me your coach on http://www.khanacademy.org/class_profile ( http://www.khanacademy.org/class_profile )

When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a manner that when you die the world cries and you rejoice.
Old Native American Saying

Here is the homework for the week:

Mathathon handout #1 due Wednesday (20 12 questions all from previous chapters)  
Mathathon handout #2 due Thursday (20 questions all from previous chapters)  
Mathathon handout #3 due Friday (20 questions all from previous chapters)  

Summary of Christmas in colonial times due Wednesday
Based on Monday’s in-class reading and emphasis on an summary (i.e. 7 to 9 sentences that captures the main facts read & discussed)   
Click here for the story that we read in class

Summary of how brain science proves that reading fiction helps you socials and emotionally due on Thursday.   
Summary is based on our in-class reading that we will do on Tuesday  (i.e. 7 to 9 sentences that captures the main facts read & discussed)   
Click here for an over view of the article’s findings

Science all due on Wednesday
Study Guide
The Test
Extra Credit that will raise the grade a full 10% if done correctly and thoroughly  

1 or 2 paragraphs due on Wednesday
Mrs. Silva will be a great teacher because.........

After the party on Friday morning, we are going to have a little thank you to Mrs. Silva for being our student-teacher extraordinaire the first 13 weeks of the school year.  
So we are going to put together a class book of the student’s paragraphs and a wordle of their kinds words for her.  

Also as a former brand new teacher, I remember how hard and expensive it was to build your own classroom library.  Therefore I am asking if your son or daughter could pretty please donate a used or new book by Friday.  The book does not need to be wrapped and a used  book is perfectly fine.  If we all pitch in, we will have 30+ books to get her library up and running.  Any book between the 3rd through 5th grade reading level would be awesome.  

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