Wednesday, December 7, 2011

December 8, 2011 Technology Thursday

Technology Thursday

People should sit by their partner that they are working with since much of the day will be working on our Open Ended Projects.

1.  15 minutes of typing -- Mavis Beacon or Typing Web

2.  Click here to watch this Khan Academy Video

3.  Click here to watch one More Khan Academy Video on fractions

4.  Not everyone watched this video, watch this 8 minute video.  It combines math and the need to keep your street smarts.   click here to watch the video on a Ponzi Scheme.

5.  Learn how best use Google when you do your research.  Click onto this link for a great lesson on how to best use Google.

6.  Use the remainder of the time to research and begin documenting your research for your Open-Ended project.

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