Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday #70 2011 2012

Day 70 of the school year

We started the day with one hour of computer time to work on our open ended projects.  The hour went smooth.  The children have now had day 3 of their 8 one-hour sessions.   So these will be completed the first week in January.  

CNN Students
Violence in Syria and protesters are being injured for speaking out.  More Iran drone discussions, Iran still says it is the USA’s and we claim we are not sure.  However we do admit that we are missing a drone.   Nobel Peace Prize was handed out and CNN gave a brief bio on all three winners.   This weekend we had a a lunar eclipse;  that is  when the Earth is directly between the sun and the moon.  

Christmas in Colonial America
We read together as a class about how Christmas was celebrated or WASN’T celebrated in our colonies and our early days as a country.   There were many big words and olden no longer frequently used words.  Therefore we stopped frequently to discuss what the words meant and what would be modern day equivalent words.

We prepared for the upcoming Chapter 11 test.
Students were given 20 minutes to work on fraction skills and students were also given 20 minutes to work on tonight’s homework.  During the time working on the homework, we did take time to review two most challenging conceptsw on this test.  
One, adding and subtracting with mixed numbers
Two, simplifying your final answer
Here is the folder with tonight’s homework and its answers.  

We watched the Brainpop on Winder Holidays which was related a tad to our reading earlier in the day.  

We finished watching Liberty Kids.  
We watched all about how George Washington and the colonial army was at its lowest point in the winter of 1776.  We then saw how George Washington took a Tebow’ian chance and attacked on Christmas night in 1776.  
Many of the kids seemed really excited about watch the Liberty Kids.  They were realistic historical fiction created by PBS.   A bunch of big stars donated their time to voice character voices.  Ben Franklin is voiced by Walter Cronkite.  
Your child can watch the entire series for free on youtube.  Click here for all of the Liberty Kids videos.   If you have Netflix streaming or Amazon prime membership you can also stream the cartoons as well.

They then had P.E.

Finally we ended the day writing in our day planners for this unique week.  

Here is the homework for the week:

Test Version A on chapter 11 due Tuesday
Chapter 11 test is on Tuesday
Mathathon handout #1 due Wednesday (20 questions all from previous chapters)  
Mathathon handout #2 due Thursday (20 questions all from previous chapters)  
Mathathon handout #3 due Friday (20 questions all from previous chapters)  

Summary of Christmas in colonial times due Wednesday
Based on Monday’s in-class reading and emphasis on an summary (i.e. 7 to 9 sentences that captures the main facts read & discussed)   
Click here for the story that we read in class

Summary of how brain science proves that reading fiction helps you socials and emotionally due on Thursday.   
Summary is based on our in-class reading that we will do on Tuesday  (i.e. 7 to 9 sentences that captures the main facts read & discussed)   
Click here for an over view of the article’s findings

Science all due on Wednesday
Study Guide
The Test
Extra Credit that will raise the grade a full 10% if done correctly and thoroughly  

1 or 2 paragraphs due on Wednesday
Mrs. Silva will be a great teacher because.........

After the party on Friday morning, we are going to have a little thank you to Mrs. Silva for being our student-teacher extraordinaire the first 13 weeks of the school year.  
So we are going to put together a class book of the student’s paragraphs and a wordle of their kinds words for her.  

Also as a former brand new teacher, I remember how hard and expensive it was to build your own classroom library.  Therefore I am asking if your son or daughter could pretty please donate a used or new book by Friday.  The book does not need to be wrapped and a used  book is perfectly fine.  If we all pitch in, we will have 30+ books to get her library up and running.  Any book between the 3rd through 5th grade reading level would be awesome.  

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