Wednesday, August 10, 2016

I'm back and where did I go?

If looks like I have left everyone, that is only partially true. I have been a writing machine. However, I moved much of my parent and student communication elsewhere.

For the students, I moved directly onto using Google Drive and Google emails.   Using these two mediums of communication allowed me to freely communicate with my students, include photos of them working throughout the class and gave us "security" of teaching in an enclosed/safe environment. I have always felt hesitant using complete names on this website since my students may not want their successes of a ten-year-old to show up in their Google search when they are twenty something years old.

For the parents, I moved onto Class Dojo and daily emails. The daily emails are the same safe environment like the one with the students. Class Dojo allows me to share immediate feedback with my students' parents regarding how my students are doing. It also allows me to share out photos with them in a safe environment where my photos can not be downloaded or saved. Class Dojo once again offers my students some safety from having their photos and work shared on the world wide web.

Another plus to using Class Dojo? It is a phone application as well. Not every parent is addicted to their email, therefore, having a phone application that cuts through the noise and gives an immediate phone notification has been extremely effective in reaching 100% of my students' parents.

For similar reasons as Class Dojo and the effectiveness of phone applications, I use Facebook to share resources and references regarding parenting, being a student and just items I find humorous.

So those are the reasons that my "official" website looks bleak and forgotten. However, I owe my parents and students more than that. As a big fan of Restaurant Impossible I have seen first hand numerous restaurants that serve amazing food and service however if the restaurant looks uninviting or rundown, it hurts the bottom line of the business. Therefore, I will be moving more of my Facebook posting onto here first, add some of my commentaries and then post it onto Facebook.

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