Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Happy week 2! 8/22/17

Let's catch up on the last two days...

Eclipse Day
At first, I thought the big guy upstairs was trolling us and we were going to have clouds cover the sky during the eclipse. Then around 9:50'ish the clouds cleared off and we could observe the eclipse. We looked at 10'ish, 10:15 (when it was 75% covered), 10:40 and then 11:15 when it was pretty much the regular sun again. Mrs. Cargo has a close friend that lost some site during the 1979 eclipse so I shared that story and we watched two different videos that had the kids keenly respectful of the power of our sun. So the kids stayed safe, looked at some history and we are all grateful for the Joshi family's glasses donation.

Circle Time
We spent time on both Monday afternoon and then this morning, doing circle time. I'm a big believer that to be the best teacher possible; you follow this saying, "People won't care how much you know until they know how much you care. " So we have used the time to share out about each other's weekends, discover what their favorite smells are, and learn what things they collect. Then I mix in some listening challenges, so the kids have an incentive to learn each other's names and also listen & learn about each other. We will do this once a week most of the year, and early in the year, we may even do it more than once a week. 
Ask you, child, what they shared that they collected, what scents do they love or enjoy and what they felt was memorable about their weekend. 

Reading "at least" 30 minutes every weeknight
We will discuss this on Thursday during the Back to School Night. I want to ease your responsibility from having to sign and return nightly the reading log. I also want the students to learn responsibility by choosing whatever they want to read and keeping up with the daily reading. They will then type or write out a paragraph on Thursday evening telling me what they read this week, what was interesting and sometimes I may ask them to write about something specific that they read. 

IXL and Brainpops
Every week the kids will get 3 to 5 IXLs and 2 to 4 Brainpops. I generally make ALL OF THEM due on Friday. However, kids should strategically work on them throughout the week. This will ensure that their Thursday evenings are not hellacious every week.  
Brainpops -- should be re-watched and quizzes retook until they earn "at least" an 8 out of 10 on the quiz.  Students created their user names and their passwords so they should know these and I asked them to write them down. 
IXLs -- should be worked on until they reach "at least" 80 points. If you feel your child should be challenged more, one of the easiest ways to work on their thoroughness and advanced math skills is to have them earn 100 points on each IXLs. Frequently the 92 points - 100 points are clearly advanced 5th grade or higher grade level arithmetic.  All students received a print out of their IXL user name and password. 

Eureka Math and Zearn Learning
That will begin on Monday next week. Watching Zearn will be a nightly expectation Monday-Thursday. 

Back to School Night!!
Thursday night!! The 4th and 5th grade is up first this year so 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. will be my presentation. If you have any questions, please email me ahead of time, and I will try my darndest to reply to them during the performance. Parking will be a challenge. On a positive side, there should be so many adults here at that time that the GATES should be flowing like a river and you should be able to access the C and D wing directly. 

Sheep Brains
Next Tuesday from 10:30-Noon'ish, our class, will be dissecting sheep brains. If you would like to help, we could use parental volunteers. 
Please complete this form and turn it into the office ASAP if you would like to help. 

We also need a volunteer to take home all the dissection materials, bleach them out and wipe them dry. They must be returned the next day since I am leading dissections each day that week. Every class is recruiting volunteers for the dissection days and also the cleanup duty. 
**We also could use some medical gloves donated to the class. The students and I all need medical gloves for the dissection process. 

I hope you can attend on Thursday evening!!

Kind regards,

Mr. Hubbard

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