Thursday, August 17, 2017

Day four -- August 17, 2017

Solar Eclipse 
The famous solar eclipse will be this Monday morning. We were lucky to have the Joshi family donate glasses which ensures that everyone in our class can safely observe this historic event. Because we live in 2017 and everything and everyone can be sued, it does entail that I share with you an informational legal document. You ONLY return it if you would like your child to NOT participate in using the glasses and observing the eclipse. 

ClassCraft will begin tomorrow!
We have worked out our technology challenges, and the students will sign into Classcraft tomorrow. This does entail homework for you as well because parents do have the ability to give out "gold coins" during their time at home.  I will be asking for your ideas on back to school night regarding scenarios that you would like to see (making the bed, reading 30 minutes without giving you grief, completing challenging math, etc.).  It is 100% free, and you can install the app onto iPhones or Android phones. The kids are super fired up therefore, make sure to ask them to explain what it is all about.

Day Planners
I gave every student a day planner today.  We also spent about 40 minutes putting all of our holidays, significant school days, every collaboration Wednesday date, and field trip date into their day planner. So often you can now ask them when an important event is occurring.

Writing and Math
We did an end of year  4th-grade assessment that every 5th grader at DES is taking. The assessment will help give us a baseline regarding where all of the 130 students are. We have also begun writing on a daily basis. Yesterday they told me about their family and today they had to choose between being born with a third leg or being born with a third arm.

That will begin next week, and I'll discuss this topic during Thursday's Back to School Night. Here it is in a rough nutshell:
1. 30 minutes of reading every Monday-Thursday evening. With no reading log.
2. Every Friday -- either a written letter (typed or handwritten) or a 2-minute video (left on Flipgrid) where the student explains in significant details what they chose to read over the four days that week.
3. 2 to 3 IXL math skills will be assigned.
4. 2 to 3 Brainpop movies + 80% or higher on the movie's quiz.
5. Every Monday-Thursday evening -- the student watches the Eureka math's lesson & practice before class. Then we use class time to work on the Eureka math homework.  Yes, you do not have to decipher or try and teach the new math strategies. Rather, you just proctor that your son/daughter completes that night's math lesson & activities (often they take 15 to 20 minutes to complete).
Throughout the week, though more challenging during shortened weeks, the students will be given the opportunity to complete the, and the assignments IN CLASS. Students that are focused will have little homework outside of the 30 minutes of reading while students that enjoy conversations with others or randomly surfing the internet will have more homework.

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