Thursday, September 7, 2017

Is it Thursday already? 9/7/2017

Inch and Miles, Success and Character Education
We completed all 15 of the blocks to John Wooden's Pyramid of Success. Students began their first real group project today. They will be explaining in their own words what each of the 15 blocks means to them. They will also explain what some of Coach Wooden's quotes mean to them. 

Camp Survey and Plea for Donations..
We explain the little dance that we do where we can not explicitly say paying $300 is mandatory while also explaining that if we don't collect enough "donations," then we can not feasibly and realistically go to Outdoor Education Camp. I love bureaucracy and governmental solutions -- our legislators so often display transcending nuance crafting laws that I'm sure had the best intentions at some point. On a positive note related this issue, PFC does have some limited scholarships for families that would like donation assistance. Plus, the school is willing to set up any interest-free payment plan. In an ideal world, every student would attend this exceptional and life altering experience. So the school/PFC will work with you to make it happen!! We also make our case why you want to be a chaperone -- where the kids will remember you for a life time since for many kids you will be their first "mom" or "dad" in an away from home environment. Please do NOT send money in yet rather just send in your survey responses!!

Ms. Quon fits right in
If you son or daughter come home mentioning Ms. Quon, she is our student teacher through December. She is with us Monday-Friday. She is a local, and this is her first semester at teaching credential (technically + a summer session).

First the 30 minutes of reading + the 
We had a discussion about how to prioritize homework.  The reading every weeknight is a non-negotiable and just needs to happen. Then the is the basis of our math lessons, and then we bang out and work on our homework. Falling behind on Zearn means your son or daughter is allegedly working on a homework assignment figuratively blind since they have not yet had a chance with to interactively learn the lesson.  It is like attending a book club trying to answer questions about the book that you have not read yet. 

If you ever need more time on the IXLs, Brainpops, or the weekly journal, just reach out to me. While no one desires weekend homework, these are not as high priority as the reading minutes and the

Brainpop -- fixed for the kids but not for my account
All but one student has successfully logged into Brainpop. The have fixed the students' issues. I still can't see or change their passwords, so I'm hoping your son or daughter do not lose their passwords anytime soon. 

Place Value Lessons
Multiplying and Dividing by 10, 100, 1000 by moving back and forth through the place value chart seems to be working fine. The lesson on metric conversion is still a work in progress. So we will practice that some more. Tonight's lesson, #7, in is waaaay different than anything you were taught in elementary arithmetic.  It involves converting ones into tenths and/or converting tens into tenths. Heck, it involves converting tens into hundredths. It makes it easier for us to create number lines, find "mid-points" and determine when to round up or round down. Just like that, Eureka math has killed off: bunny hops when multiplying by 10,100 or 1000; killed off "look to the right, if it is four or less then you let it rest" when you round and killed off imperial measurements. Spoiler alert but your "Please Excuse Your Dear Aunt Sally" will eventually reach a similar demise. What has a higher kill rate? Eureka math or Games of Thrones? 

Weekly Reading Journal and Reflection Questions
Here is the video where I publically embarrass myself in the kickoff video. 

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