Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day 100 of week 24 February 4, 2014

Quick one today.

We did a review assessment regarding the math we have covered since the beginning of the year.  It covers place value, larger multiplication & division, and some adding/subtracting/multiplication/division with decimals.  

Then we had some silent reading time.  

From there the kids took their newest month STAR reading assessment.  This was after our month of herculean reading.  Therefore we were not surprised to find that most people either bested their early January assessment or they had a score that showed they clearly had an upward trend in reading & vocabulary growth.  As your son or daughter to show you their most updated assessment.

Science today -- getting to the end of the Solar System unit.  So they were given a study guide and they need to update and complete it by next Tuesday, February 11, 2014.

Math -- we reviewed the three sections that were challenging from last week.  Many students seemed to have a better grasp on the creating equations from data tables, however we will work on this some more.  
Tonight’s lesson is more work with equivalent fractions.  They were given 15+ minutes to begin working on tonight’s homework.  

After lunch we had a class meeting. We discussed what people did during lunch recess time.  The class as a whole had several grievances and they also had some ideas that would improve their playing experience during lunch.  I encouraged them to write some letters to certain interested parties however no one seemed to jump at the opportunity.  I did challenge them to work together with each other regarding how they could improve their noise level and food throwing during the sit down time.  

Our copy machine has lived a little and it is now starting to show its age.  Therefore all Friday, Sunday and then this entire school day the copy machine has been inoperable.  It worked at some point on Monday however I was not on campus to enjoy it.  Long story long…...I have been unable to make photo copies of  the Read To Succeed or the handouts that go with the persuasion project.   
Here are the Read to Succeed paperwork:
What is Read to Succeed?  click here to find out more
In a nutshell, if your child reads 6 hours in the month of February (not counting scootpad or assigned reading {e.g. science book or history book}) then your child earns their own Six Flag’s ticket.  

Kind regards,
Mr. Hubbard
“You know you have read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend.”  Paul Sweeney

Homework for the week:

10-4 Equivalent Fractions handouts found here due on Wednesday
11-4 Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators due on Thursday Harccover book 256-257 1-33 odds only
5-5 Order of Operations due on Friday hardcover book 124-125 2-34 evens only

Language Arts:
Seaman -- Describe two characters from the story so far.  Each person should have at least one paragraph each.   Your audience is someone who has never read the story.  For each character please use at least two references (quoting/paraphrasing and page number(s)) when making specific descriptions of each character.  due Friday

Non-Fiction reading & response due Thursday

Persuasive Writing Work due nightly beginning Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Science Homework -- Study Guide for the solar system test due on Tuesday 2/11/14

Return the money for the Read A Thon on Friday

Read for 20 minutes per night.

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