Friday, March 19, 2010

2 big things from this article....

The Importance of Being Unpredictable � The Talent Code

1. Focus is something that must be practiced and developed. This would be in both school, music, and sports.

2. You should practice the ability to focus with distraction and randomness.

Here is what the author says in the article that stood out for me:

The desired quality here is focus, which we can define as the ability to maintain concentration and control emotions in the face of unpredictability. We usually think of focus as something that’s innate, part of your character.

But the lesson here, I think, is that our instincts might be wrong. For Mackey, James, and the violinists, focus is a kind of skill, one that requires a training regimen all its own.

In fact, we can go further and divide all training into two basic types: 1) the training that builds the fundamental skill (a.k.a. the fast, fluent neural circuit); and 2) the training that field-tests that circuit, whacking it with all kinds of real-world randomness and distraction, in order that it become stronger, more reliable, and capable of handling surprises. Sort of like a good dog team.

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