Tuesday, September 5, 2017

We met Ms. Quon, Brainpop not yet fixed, & more metrics

Circle Time:
We had a special circle time where we could get to know our student teacher, Ms. Quon. We also spent time sharing out how everyone tried to address the record heat days on Friday afternoon and Saturday. 

Brainpop Update 
Quickly, all the students who couldn't log in had their passwords reset to a common password. So everyone should be able to sign in and use Brainpop.
They told me that they fixed the teacher bug that I discovered, however, I can no longer sign into my classroom account. Therefore, I am unable to assign work nor see the user names of my students. 

Multiplying or dividing with 10s, 100s, 1,000s and the metric system
We are converting with metric length. Therefore, we are with transferring between millimeters, centimeters, and meters. 
We also had some fun taking competitive Kahoot.com quizzes regarding the metric system. We did a quiz where they worked independently, and then they did a quiz where they worked as a collaborative team.  I was so so proud of how the teams worked well together, supported each other and no one became upset or critique anyone when they got a question wrong. This class does a great job of helping each other. 

Homework -- 
It is a 20% shorter week for homework if you consider I only give homework on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. However, there are still four IXLs and four Brainpops due by Friday, therefore, the kids will need to organize and how they break down their responsibilities on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We discussed this as a class after lunch however they still should be strongly encouraged to not leave most of their IXLs/Brainpops until Thursday evening. 

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