Dear Families,
Welcome to Fifth Grade! Happy Almost-First Day of School! We’re thrilled to have such an amazing group of students this year. We are well on our way to establishing a fantastic learning community in our classroom. This year will be a wild ride and it is both an honor and a blessing to be part of your child’s life.
In this letter, the following items will be addressed: August 13 & 14 schedule, Zoom logistics, and housekeeping items.
August 13-14 Schedule
= Your child is expected to be in attendance of their Zoom Meeting
Your student will be told in our Morning Meeting which group they belong to for the first 2 days of school. The purpose of the small group meetings will be a time for us to get to know your child in a smaller setting.
Zoom Logistics
As we are heading into this new world of distance learning, please read the following information to make sure your child is squared away:
Zoom Link & Password: Will be sent to parents tomorrow, August 12
Students are strongly encouraged to sign into zoom using their account. If they must sign in through another account, they should properly identify themselves before they will be allowed into the meeting.
Headphones would be preferred.
Students should have their camera on and not showing their icons.
Housekeeping Items
Student Bags
The 5th Grade Team has put together student bags with student material. We will go over the bag’s content at our first morning meeting. You will be able to pick up your student’s bag at Dublin Elementary at the following days/times:
Wednesday, August 12: 9:30am - 12:30pm
Thursday, August 13: 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Information from the district
As a reminder the district has created this great “Road to Reopening Playbook”.
If you are also having challenges with your district issued chromebook or hotspot, here is the district’s IT information:
If you get stuck you can also describe your challenge in an email and send it to
Given we will be moving slowly and intentionally through all of our new online material, many of your questions will surely be answered. If possible, please hold parent questions until next week.
We’re looking forward to working with you and your child this year. One of the best ways we can all be successful this year is through communication.
Thank you for sharing your child with us this year!
Best regards,
The Fifth Grade Dublin Elementary Team
Mrs. Conner, Mr. Hubbard, Mrs. Le Roy, Ms. Lim and Ms. Owens