Thursday, April 11, 2019

State Testing

DUSD Math Assessment
This link has all the information you need and it contains contact information if you have questions beyond this email:

The 7th-grade assessment that all 5th-graders in DUSD take will be given next Wednesday, 4/17/2019 and Thursday, 4/18/2019. It is a two-part test. 
Part one -- classic multiple choice test regarding the critical concepts of 6th-grade math. 
Part two-- a fictional scenario where the students use their calculations and their written work to explain their hypothesis regarding the situation. 
As a reminder, students that don't earn the right to skip 6th-grade math will still go on to live productive healthy, fulfilled lives and continue to become a big part of our learning community. 

A slight change from the previous years:  Student will be allowed to take a similar assessment two or three weeks before school starts (mid to late July).   They used to give the test the first week of school. Last year, I had three students who did not master the April test; however, they utilized Khan Academy and some summer workbooks, so they tested well that first week of school and they were moved to 7th-grade math.  So if your child doesn't qualify for 7th-grade math after next week's test, you can read through the process on the link above and ask to have your child retake the test. It sounds like you will need to prove your child did something since the April test that would lead one to assume they will now qualify. Once again, there is no shame or "Scarlet Letter" if your child is on grade level math. 

State Testing:
Here is our schedule:
As we get closer, I may trade around which test we are taking and on which day.  I'll give no homework in the evening before the test and the evening of a state test. However, kids have known about the states and capitals since August, so they are still responsible for studying for their states and capitals tests. 

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